Conquer stage fright
with this strategy
Do you become nauseated or tremble at the
thought of public speaking? You can overcome your fear with a little help from
the editors of American
Speaker who offer these suggestions for easing your anxiety:
Speak more, not less. Experience
is the best cure for performance anxiety. Your confidence will grow each time
you speak publicly, so seek out opportunities that put you in front of groups,
large and small. Examples: Volunteer to lead a section of the agenda at your
next team meeting. Raise your hand and contribute to the discussion when you
find yourself in the audience. Putting yourself out there in these kinds of
situations will help prepare you for more formal speeches in the
Give yourself a pep talk. Instead
of dreading a presentation as a public performance, view each presentation as a
conversation with friends. Remember: Your listeners want you to succeed; they
joined the audience because they want to hear your message. Focus on sharing
your knowledge and expertise - rather than putting on a show - and your fear
will melt away.
Take care of yourself. Allow time
for adequate sleep the night before, eat healthy meals, and schedule time for a
workout in the morning or evening before you present. Working out relieves
stress and produces endorphins, so you'll feel more relaxed and
Use your time wisely. In addition
to your earlier preparations, spend a few minutes right before you go on stage
practicing your speech aloud. This will help you warm up your speaking voice
and reboot your confidence.
Persons Guide to Public Speaking guides you through each step in
the process, from creating the perfect presentation to overcoming challenges
that might throw you off your game.
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Speaker Forum e-letter to receive monthly advice on how to polish your
presentations and speak effectively in any situation.
Read the
American Speaker Blog
to ease your public speaking anxiety and grow into the most effective,
compelling, and persuasive public speaker you can be.
Workplace Training Center
and view all of their
speaking training resources.