Winter Quarter 2012

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Building 530 - Classroom 127

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Students' Comments - Winter 2011

From students' course comments and personal reflections:

General comments:

Some of the lectures were excellent and inspiring. I also really enjoyed meeting with relevant users for my team project's product/ideas.

Great lineup [of lecture topics]

Opened my eyes to disabled people and learned a lot.

Team projects gave [me] a chance to go deep into a subject..

[The pre-lecture topics were] interesting / thought-provoking.

[I particularly liked] the interviews with disabled students.

Good breadth of lectures

[I worked on a project because] I wanted hands-on expertise in the field.

Overall, I loved the class.

The course exceeded my expectations. [The lecture topics] were very relevant and applicable to current needs. The humor [pre-lecture] topic was particularly enjoyable. Excellent, keep up the good work!

[The lectures] went beyond my expectations. I gained a better understanding of the culture of disabled people.

[The pre-lecture topics were] useful and life-practical. Awesome class!

The lectures exceeded my expectations in most cases.

How do you think the course could be improved? More cookies

[I used the course website] frequently. It was extremely useful and well put-together.

I liked the broad range of speakers from different fields. Great, laid back course!

[The pre-lecture topics were] very interesting, helped us think broadly about assistive technologies and disabilities. I have become much more aware of the definition of a disability, how to approach individuals with disabilities, and the different problems these individuals face on a daily basis. It was a great class. I'm glad to have learned so much about disabilities and assistive technologies.

I particularly enjoyed lectures on specific projects like [Ralf] Hotchkiss' wheelchair fabrication. [The pre-lecture topics were a] nice introduction - addressed the broader ideas of the course.

The course website was useful for finding the lecture [audio] recordings.

[The course met my expectations] very well. Each week we were shown another perspective. Great class.

In response to the question: Why did you decide to enroll in the course?

I am very excited about applying my engineering skills.

[I] wanted to learn about assistive technologies and apply my engineering skills to this field.

I am very interested in design and how it can be used for good.

[It was] a unique opportunity to apply design. I love working on team projects when tackling open-ended challenges.

I have an interest in the medical device and healthcare industries.

Cool subject, get to work on a project.

I'm interested in designing things for people.

To learn how to design product solutions for disabilities.

Class seemed interesting and [I] wanted to learn more about the design process.

I was drawn to the flexibility of the course structure.

I wanted to gain a better understanding of the products that are available for disabled people. I also wanted to use my engineering experience to help develop something meaningful for society.

Subject matter seemed interesting, heard great reviews.

To gain insight on assistive technology - develop my interests of what I might want to work on in the future.

I was interested to see different types of assistive technology and what new technologies were around.

I'm interested in assistive technology

[I have an] interest in products for seniors. [It is] great that visitors to the class are welcomed. Highly recommend [the course].

[I took the course] because I was interested in the topic and for ME credit.

The material was very interesting. Attended only the lectures that my schedule would allow.

From students' online course evaluations:

From students' and community members' emails:

Previous years' comments

2010  2009  2008

Updated 09/22/2011

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