Thursday, February 16th

Mid-term Student Team Project
Presentations |
Student teams have chosen a problem
experienced by individuals with disabilities and have been working to research,
brainstorm, design, fabricate, and test a prototype device or software to meet
an identified need.
Each student project team will give an
informal presentation on the progress of their project.
The student teams' presentations will include
the following points:
- Introduction of team members including team and project
- Background, statement and magnitude of problem
- Interviews with project suggestors and potential users who
would benefit from a solution
- Identification / determination of need
- Research of existing solutions and discussion of their
- Brainstorm activities: description and visualization of
design concepts considered and prototypes built
- Description of preferred design: technical feasibility,
engineering difficulty, estimated cost, user acceptance, functionality,
performance, safety considerations, tradeoffs, etc
- Current project activities and status, including challenges
- Plans for the remainder of the quarter
The overall quality of the presentation and
the design concept will be judged by the teaching team, community members, and
other students using the following metrics:
- Process: problem identification,
background research, brainstorming, choice of preferred concept, design
- Presentation: clarity,
organization, and completeness of the information presented
- Design: creativity, originality,
functionality of the design concept and the extent to which it will meet the
user's needs
Individuals evaluating the team project
presentations will have the opportunity to provide their comments:
- What did the team learn, what are your
LIKES and WISHES about what they did, and what are your recommendations,
suggestions, and advice for the team?
- Please provide comments and suggestions
about the course, projects, and presentation process.
Tyler Haydell, Jai
Sajnani, and Mark Murphy
Our team name is: ROTAbrake
Our project name is: Project name
Project: Explore designs for a
low cost brake design for a manual wheelchair. |
Krystal Le
Educational Activities
for Children with Disabilities
My team name is: SuperK
My project name is:
Spin a Story
Project: Investigate and develop
new educational activities appropriate for children with disabilities. This may
include mechanical and/or computer software solutions that will provide
interactive access for these learners. |
Piano Pedal
My team name is: Team name
My project name is: Project name
Project: Explore designs that
would enable a Menlo Atherton high school student with paralysis to operate the
sustain foot pedal on his electronic music keyboard. |
Accessible Restaurant
Menu Project
My team name is: Team name
My project name is:
Accessible Eateries
Project: Create an accessible
database of restaurant menus that can be accessed via a website or a mobile
application. |
Anna Ly and
Hain-Lee Hsueh
Our team name is:
Our project name is: Social Skills for Elementary Students with Autism Spectrum
Project: Explore mechanisms of
enhancing social skills for students with Autism. |
Sofia Rojasova,
Nick Akiona, and Rahul Sastry
Low cost transfer
Our team name is: Transfer-mations
Our project name is: Project name
Project: Explore designs for a
low cost transfer device for a wheelchair user. |
Nate Wynn and Cindy
Friendly Cane
Our team name is: Team Wombat
Our project name is: Friendly Cane
Project: Explore designs for a
light weight cane that can accommodate the weight of its user and easily
retract and extend with one hand. |
Mia Davis
Customize the
Wheelchair Project
My team name is: Team name
My project name is: Project name
Project: Explore ways to add a
personal aesthetic to wheelchairs. |
- Presentation Material:
- Audio -
1:42:38 - 23.4 Mb mp3 file
- Slides - 2.9
Mb pdf file
- Links:
- Accessible Eateries
- Facilitated Group Story
Creation - video
- Music Generation with
Blocks - video
- MotionEmotion - video
- Chair to chair transfer -
- How Many
Wheelchair Users Are There?
- Disability