Winter Quarter 2012

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Building 530 - Classroom 127

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Final Remarks

  1. Thanks for attending the last class session of Perspectives in Assistive Technology. It has been a 10-week adventure for me.

  2. Final business
    Final team reports and individual reflections due Monday by email

  3. Continuing assistive technology projects
    Independent study
    Summer SURI

    Help out with the course next year with projects, attracting students, etc

  4. Course comments and evaluation:

    • I want to know what worked and what can be improved
    • Your critical assessment is important
    • Evaluation has several elements:
      speakers and tours
      general course comments
      comments and observations about project experiences
    • Especially want to know:
      how you balanced this course with other project courses this quarter
      quality and availability of resources

  5. Online Course Evaluations
    Axess is now open for students to complete course evaluations

  6. Top concepts presented in the course:

    • Assistive Technology is a broad field, involving many disciplines and occupations
    • Assistive Technology is both the devices and their provision, and also about people
    • Although there are a lot of people who could benefit from assistive technology devices, each user is an individual with individual needs
    • Assistive technology devices tend to be expensive because the market for a specific device is relatively small
    • The degree of a person's disability depends on their circumstances and available solutions
    • Failure is the pathway to success
    • Everyone encounters disabilities, either personally or within their families, friends, and colleagues
    • Everyone is self-conscious of how they appear, desire to present themselves in a positive manner
    • Everyone deserves a chance to succeed, to express their personality, to engage in chosen activities, to be cool
    • Labels can influence how we treat others
    • Start with the problem, then identify the need
    • Users are key team members in the design process
    • Designing assistive technology devices is a challenging yet worthwhile social and engineering endeavor

  7. Thanks

    At this time, I would like to personally thank everyone who made this course possible. Thanks go to all the presenters for the excellent job they did in providing information on the broad scope of assistive technology.

    Special thanks to:

    • Arne for his many professional photographs
    • Tour hosts: Motion & Gait Analysis Lab, Willow Garage, and VA SCI and Brain Injury
    • Community members for attending and "adding to the conversation"
    • RotaMobility: Chis & Michael for suggesting projects and mentoring 2 student teams
    • Individuals who suggested projects
    • Enrolled students

    Finally, I would once again like to thank Professor Drew Nelson who has given me the opportunity to organize this course and has continued to provide his wisdom and guidance.

  8. I hope you had fun, found it interesting and different, and developed a wider appreciation for assistive technology.

  9. Celebration - What we ate and drank:

    • Pizza slices:
      4 cheese
      4 veggie
      8 pepperoni
    • Burrito:
      1 veggie
      6 chicken
      5 steak
    • Special:
      cheese quesadilla
    • Drinks:
      1 Coke
      2 Diet Coke
      12 water

Updated 03/21/2012

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