Problem Identification
Team Report due Monday - February 9, 2009
at 5pm
For your first assignment you are asked to pursue and
report on the following tasks. Your team's report should be 5 to 10 pages in
Form a project team of no more than three
Select a suitable and appropriate name for your team
and pick a project leader.
Choose a team project from the list of project
Contact the individual(s) listed who suggested the
project and get information including details about the problem/need, the
disability group(s) targeted, the current solution employed (if any) and its
shortcomings or limitations, the potential benefits of an improved solution,
and the design features / specifications from his/her point of view.
Identify and interview at least one individual who is
affected by this problem/need and determine specifically how it affects
him/her, the benefits of an improved solution, and the design features /
specifications from his/her point of view.
Gather information on other solution alternatives
including commercially available products (browse Abledata), research projects,
and previous student projects.
Determine the magnitude of the problem/need and
identify all the populations who may benefit from an improved solution.
Provide a concise and convincing statement of how
your project might address the need/problem. Outline general design concepts
and new technology that might be brought to bear on it.
Present your team's problem / project informally
(10-minutes, no PowerPoint) in class on Thursday, February 12th.
For next time:
In the next assignment you will asked to formulate and describe a preliminary
set of design concepts, and to focus on a specific design solution. Teams will
present their design in class and submit a Design Proposal Report.