The Holy Grail
I. Grail legend and appropriation of Christian discourse:
A. As we've seen, the Celtic Grail fertility emblem was already
transformed into a Christian symbol in Chretien's Perceval. Then
Robert de Boron gave it a more specific function as the vessel of the
Last Supper used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch Christ's blood after
the Deposition from the Cross; it was honored in a quasi-liturgical
cult on an altar-like table. Joseph's family allegedly transported
the vessel to Britain.
B. Cistercian ("white monks") co-opt the Grail legend in Queste del
Saint Graal , which uses Gospel and apocryphal Gospel texts to
Christianize the Grail myth within the Arthurian realm and elevate it
to a mystical sacred text. The Grail Quest becomes the spiritual
search of the soul for divine union, which demands chastity, virtue,
and prayer.
II. Malory's Sangrail adapts the Christian
mysticism of the Queste del Saint Graal.
Malory's chivalric imitation of biblical imitation recasts the
Queste's meaning, valorizing secular and social virtues over mystical
holiness. Malory modifies the tale so that Lancelot dominates even
though forbidden to gain the Grail, which his sinless son and
surrogate, Galahad, accomplishes.
A. Grail quest is an allegorical exegesis of Matt. 22.1-14, "Many
are called, few are chosen": 150 knights set out, three attain the
quest; parable of guest ejected from the wedding feast instantiated
in Ector of Maris, Lancelot's brother, who lacks the wedding garment
(i.e., virtue). However, Malory doesn't make connection as explicit
as it is in the Queste; otherwise his sinner-hero Lancelot would be
condemned to everlasting fire.
B. Pentecostal elements depend on account in Acts of the Apostles,
ch. 2
C. Individual quests emulate the Fates of the Apostles, and
the Brotherhood of Round Table is modeled upon the brotherhood of the
D. Galahad is the typological descendant of Solomon through Joseph of
Arimathea. Lancelot is equivalent to David, the warrior-sinner.
E. Malory omits most of the of the criticism of Lancelot found in the
French Queste. Lancelot's one imperfection is instability. He
is fallen humanity, who has a social dimension, shared with Mordred
and his followers and Englishmen of Malory's own day (including
Malory himself). In Malory:
1. Lancelot is recognized as a Grail Knight. In the beginning of the
Tale, book XIII, Lancelot dubs his son Galahad knight. The knights
ride off in search of the Grail, Galahad leads. Lancelot is abased,
confesses his sins, ch. 19.
2. In XV, chs. 3 and 4, Lancelot has a vision, in which he joins the
black (sinful) knights against white (pure) king.
3. In XVII.1, Gawain, ever the foil of Lancelot, is wounded in a
joust with Galahad. Lancelot, associated with Galahad, partly
succeeds in the quest, where Gawain even though repentant and
reconciled, fails.
4. In XVII.18, Galahad acts as a Savior (for King Mordrains, p. 395,
the Maimed King, p. 399, the cripple, p. 399); he attains spiritual
union with the Grail and becomes king of Sarras. He sends a message
to his father to remain constant, then dies and ascends to heaven (p.
5. At the end of the Grail story, Malory departs from his source by
having Lancelot recount the Grail quest to the court at Camelot even
as Bors brings the warning message to Lancelot to remain constant (p.