
Name: Boris de Ruyter
Date of birth: 11 November 1966 (Kortrijk, Belgium)
Marital status: married, father of 3 children


1987 -> Secundary Highschool
1990 -> bachelor in Psychological & Pedagogical sciences
1993 -> master in experimental psychology (cum laude)

Additional courses

Intercultural management (ITIM)
Project management (Technical university Eindhoven)
Business Orientation (Company Coaching)


speaking: Dutch, English, Portugees
writing: Dutch, English
reading: Dutch, English, French

ICT experience

operating systems: UNIX, Windows
office applications: MS-Office
programming languages: Delphi, C, Visual Basic
scripting: HTML, Perl, JavaScript
specification languages: UML

Work experience

1993 ~ 1994 -> miltary service at the Centre for Crisis Psychology, Military hospital Brussels, Belgium.
1994 ~ 1995 -> research scientist at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
1995 ~ today -> senior scientist at Philips Research Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


Philips internal documents

De Ruyter, B., & De Vet, J. (1996). Task based interaction specification, Proceedings of the Third Philips Software Conference, April 1996, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
De Vet, J., De Ruyter, B.E.R., & Hamberg, R. (1997). Manual for using the interaction style template, Philips Research / NatLab Report 6991.
De Ruyter, B., De Bruin, H., & De Vet, J. (1997). Evaluating two distinct interaction styles in a consumer electronics application, Technical University Eindhoven / IPO Report 1135.
De Ruyter, B. & Hollemans, G. (1997). Towards a user satisfaction questionnaire for consumer electronics; theoretical basis, Philips Research / NatLab report TN406/97.
De Ruyter, B. (1998). The modelling and analysis of observational studies in the medical domain: methodological considerations, Philips Research / Nat.Lab. Technical Note 240/98.
De Ruyter, B. (1999). Multimodal user interfaces for medical systems: technology options and related design guidelines, Philips Research / Nat.Lab. Technical Note 030/99.
De Ruyter, B., & Westerink, J. (1999). Multimodal user interfaces for medical systems: empirical evaluation of a prototype system, Philips Research / Nat.Lab. Technical Note 172/99.
De Ruyter, B., & De Vet, J. (2000). Personalisation and personality: an evaluation of product features, proceedings of the first Philips User Interface conference.
Hoonhout, H.C.M., van de Wijdeven, S. & De Ruyter, B. (2001). Fieldtesting of a voice controlled Television: lessons learned, proceedings of the second Philips User Interface conference.
De Ruyter, B. & Huijnen, C. (2002). Creating social presence through connected CE devices, proceedings of the third Philips User Interface conference.
Romero, N., van Baren, J., Markopoulos, P., De Ruyter, B. & IJsselsteijn, W. (2003). Addressing Interpersonal Communication Needs through Ubiquitous Connectivity: Home and Away, proceedings of the fourth Philips User Interface conference.

External publications

Jordan, P., Van Gelderen, T., & De Ruyter, B. (1996). Support for Ergonomic Evaluation: use the right method and use it right, IEEE software, accepted for publication.
Cosyns, P., Dillen, C., & De Ruyter, B. (1996). Parasuicide in Vlaanderen, in press.
De Ruyter, B. & De Vet, J. (1997). Usability evaluation in user centred design, Technical University Eindhoven / IPO Annual Progress Report 32.
De Ruyter, B., De Vet, J., & De Bruin, H. (1997). Modelling and evaluating multimodal interaction styles, HCI97 conference, 18 - 22 Aug. 1997, San Francisco.
Szmalec, A. & De Ruyter, B. (2000). Cognitive demands of interaction with 2D gesture and speech recognition, Annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological society, Liege 12 May 2000, Belgium.
Janse, M., Stienstra, M., de Ruyter, B. (2001). Increasing the Television Experience with Shared Media, AEI Conference on Media Futures, Florence 8-9 May 2001, Italy.
De Ruyter, B., Huijnen, C., Markopoulos, P., Ijsselstein, W., (2003). Creating social presence through peripheral awareness, HCI International 2003, Crete June 22-27, Greece.
de Ruyter, B. (2003), Challenges for End-User Development in CE devices, 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human - Computer Interaction, Crete June 22-27, Greece.
De Ruyter B. (2003). User Centred Design, In (Eds.): Aarts, Emile, and Stefano Marzano (editors) (2003), The New Everyday: Vision on Ambient Intelligence, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Romero, N., van Baren, J., Markopoulos, P., De Ruyter B., Ijsselsteijn. W. (2003). Addressing interpersonal communication needs through ubiquitous connectivity: home and away, In: (Eds.) E. Aarts, R. Collier, E. van Loenen, B. de Ruyter, the first European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, Springer.
Huijnen, C., Ijsselsteijn. W., Markopoulos, P., De Ruyter B. (2004). Social presence and group attraction: exploring the effects of awareness systems in the home, Cognition Technology & Work, vol 6/1, Springer-Verlag London.
van Baren, J., IJsselsteijn, W.A., Romero, N., Markopoulos, P., de Ruyter, B. Affective Benefits in Communication: The development and field-testing of a new questionnaire measure, PRESENCE 2003, 6th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Aalborg, Denmark, 6-8 October 2003.

Invited talks

Boris de Ruyter, Natural Interaction: Bringing Voice Control into Consumer Electronics, SIGCHI.NL Summer Conference on Human-Computer Interactie 2002, Ede June 19 2002, The Netherlands.
Boris de Ruyter, Technologische ontwikkelingen: Ambient Intelligence, CO-ICT dagen, Hogeschool INHOLLAND, Diemen, 28 November 2002
Panel: Visions of the future, Mathias Schneider-Hufschmidt (Siemens), Harri Kiljander (Nokia), Boris de Ruyter, (Philips Research), Marco Combetto (Microsoft Research), Matthias Hilpert (Orange) & Bruno von Niman (Ericsson), Mobile HCI 2003, September 8-11, 2003, Udine, Italy.
Panel: Research Challenges, Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, USA), Markus Klann (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), Henry Lieberman (MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, USA), Fabio Paternó, (C.N.R., Pisa, Italy), Alexander Repenning (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Alistair Sutcliffe (UMIST, UK), Boris de Ruyter (Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands), Volker Wulf (University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), Symposium on End-User-development, October 6 & 7, 2003, Bonn, Germany.
Ambient Intelligence Research in HomeLab, Boris de Ruyter, TNO Symposium on "Ontwikkelingen ICT infrastructuren voor overheden", June 5th, 2003, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Ambient Intelligence Research: technology trends & research, Boris de Ruyter, Eröffnungsveranstaltung des Forschungsschwerpuktes "Ambient Intelligence", October 16th, 2003, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.


Designing Interactive Systems 2002, 25-28 June 2002, London, UK. member of Program Committee
Mobile HCI 2002, 18-20 September 2002, Pisa, Italy. member of Program Committee
Mobile HCI 2003, September 8-11, 2003, Udine, Italy. member of Program Committee
European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence 2003, 3-4 November 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. member of Organising Committee


member of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2002, 2003, 2004)



Additional education

Marketing (J. Van Acker, Faculteit van de Economische Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Gent
Algemeen beheer en Organisatie (M. Beulens, Vlerick school voor management)
Intercultural Management, ITIM
Persoonlijke Effectiviteit, Company Coaching
Bedrijfsoriëntering, Company Coaching
Projectmatig Werken, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Philips Development Center
L.E.A.D.: Leader Effectiveness & Affectiveness Development, Van Houten Trainingen
Boris de Ruyter
number of visits: