Image of the Stanford Seal EE 392S

Sensor Networks Seminar

This is the official website for EE 392S, Winter Quarter 2003-2004. Here you can find information on speakers, topics of discussion, and a schedule of talks.

Following the final seminar/panel discussion on Tuesday, March 9, class members and visitors are invited to meet the speakers at a brief reception at 5:30 on the second floor of the Packard EE building.  Refreshments will be served.

Topics to be addressed in the seminar series include:

A more complete description of the intentent and content of this seminar can be found in the course proposal.

This series is open to the public.

Funding for this seminar series has been generously contributed by the Center for Integrated Systems, the Stanford Photonics Research Center, and Agilent Technologies.

Table of Contents:

Related Lectures and Events open to the Public:

Professors Guibas and Zhao will offer a course spring quarter on information processing in sensor networks.



Time: Tuesdays, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM. Open to the public.
Location: 420, room 041. This is located in the lower level of Jordan Hall in the front of the main quad at Stanford. Here is a printable map, and a searchable map for web use. Parking is unrestricted in most lots after 4 pm.
Mailing Lists: To receive weekly seminar announcements, send mail to, with "subscribe ee392s-announcements" in the body of the message.
Academic credit:
Stanford students may elect EE 392S via Axess for 1 credit. Grading (credit/no credit) for this course is based on attendance and participation. You must attend 9 of 10 sessions for credit and sign the class list circulated at each lecture.
Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Jack Wenstrand
Administrator: Kelly Yilmaz


Speaker Schedule

Clicking on the date will open a new window that includes a speaker biography and talk abstract. Names are linked to the speaker's home page. Titles are linked to the presentation materials.

6 January Prof. Deborah Estrin (UCLA)

Embedded Networked Sensing Systems: motivations and challenges

13 January Prof. Kensal Wise (University of Michigan) Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS): Coming Revolution in the Gathering of Information
Silicon Sensors

20 January Prof. Andreas Andreou (Johns Hopkins) Towards "Eyes" for Sensor Network Systems: Biologically Inspired Local Computation for Data Reduction
27 January Prof. Jan Rabaey (UC-Berkeley) Reliable operation despite ultra low power - the ultimate quest in wireless sensor networks.
3 February Prof. Feng Zhao (Stanford/PARC) Information Processing in Sensor Networks
10 February Mr. Dan Steingart (presenting) and Prof. Paul Wright (UC-Berkeley) Power Sources for Wireless Networks
17 February Mr. Boris De Ruyter (Philips Research/Eindhoven) Ambient Intelligence
24 February Ms. Lakshmi Venkatraman (Bosch) Design trade-offs, cost constraints, and market factors in development of a sensor network product
2 March Prof. Shankar Sastry, Bruno Sinopoli,Cory Sharp
Closing the Loop Around Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks: Experiments and Truths of today and Promises for the future.
9 March
Panel Discussion:

Jason Hartlove
VP and GM, Sensor Solutions Division
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Kris Pister
CTO, Dust, Inc. and
Professor, EECS, Berkeley

Satoshi Kabasawa
Executive Director, Panasonic Ventures

Andrea Goldsmith
Professor, EE, Stanford

Ubiquitous sensor networks. When? Why or Why not?

Information for Speakers

Information on events at Stanford can be found on the "Stanford Visitors" web page.
Professor Levoy has compiled a list of local hotels.
The class runs for 75 minutes. Please plan your presentation for 55 minutes, to allow time for questions.

02/27/2004 01:13:01 PM -0800