Projects for Digital Video Processing (EE392J)

Winter Quarter, 2004

Instructors: John Apostolopoulos and Susie Wee

Possible Projects

Other Possible Projects 

Other video-related projects are also possible as long as they will be educational to the student and they can realistically be completed in the time available. Please contact the instructors about other project proposals.

Project Timetable:

Project Planning

The project should be defined with two sets of goals. The first set of goals should be such that you are confident that they can realistically be achieved in the time available. The second set of goals should be more challenging and potentially you may be able to finish them, or maybe only a subset of them.  The instructors will help in designing these goals (based on the students' background and interests) and provide direction to appropriate literature outside the textbook.  The Additional References will also be helpful in designing and working on the final project.

Project Team

Each project may be performed by a single student or a group of two or three students. Teamwork is encouraged, however the proposed work for each individual should be identified in the proposal, and the actual contributions of each individual should be identified in the report. For example, if a two-person team is working on deinterlacing then each student can develop separate deinterlacing algorithms and they can compare the performance. 

Equipment Requirements 

The above projects have a variety of requirements in terms of equipment, e.g. video capture capability, stereo camera, etc. While we will try to assist with these whenever possible (e.g. video capture capability), please consider carefully the equipment requirements and what equipment you have access to when choosing a project.

Last Updated: January, 2004