Problem Sets for 

Digital Video Processing (EE392J)

Winter Quarter 2002, Stanford University

Problem Sets

  1. Problem set # 1, issued 1/16, due 1/23.   ProblemSet1.pdf
  2. Problem set # 2, issued 1/23, due 1/30.   ProblemSet2.pdf   The two images for problem 4 are available here: frame1.tif and frame2.tif 

  3. Problem set # 3, issued 1/30, due 2/6.     ProblemSet3.pdf   The four images for problem 4 are available here: A.tif, B.tif, C.tif, D.tif  

  4. Problem set # 4, issued 2/6, due 2/11.     ProblemSet4.pdf

  5. Problem set # 5, issued 2/11, due 2/20, may also be turned in on 2/22 if you would like more time to talk with us about your project.  ProblemSet5.pdf

  6. Problem set # 6, issued 2/25, due 3/4.    ProblemSet6.pdf

Problem sets will be distributed in class.  They will also be available here in PDF format.  In addition, extra hard copies can be picked up after class from a file cabinet near Packard Room 259 (or from course secretary Kelly Yilmaz in Packard Room 259).  


Last Updated: January, 2002