The goal of EE392C is to facilitate in depth discussions of research issues and opportunities related to the architecture and system software for polymorphic/CMP processors. The success of the class and a significant portion of your final grade depend on your class participation…
In practice, every student will be an instructor with the following responsibilities:
The following sections provide some further advice on each activity…
Our in-class discussions will be of little use if we are not prepared for them. Read the required paper in advance. If the specific topic is rather new to you, you may want to also read the background papers. If you have some extra time and like this topic, you can also study the papers for further reading.
When reading and summarizing a paper, you are looking for the following:
If you are the discussion leader for a topic, you will need to write down all these in a summary that does not exceed 1 page per paper.
I find the following techniques helpful with studying papers:
EE392C is structured around round-table discussions on advanced research topics. We will all be actively teaching each other. If you prefer lecture-based courses (like most of the 200-level courses), you should probably not take this class...
You are expected to come to all the class meetings and be well prepared. Study the required papers for each topic in advance. You contribution in the discussion will be in the form of comments or questions. Here are some examples of the kind of participation we are looking for:
In general, I want you to be active in the classroom. No comment or idea is by default a bad one, so do speak up. However, be polite to your classmates and stick to the point. This is a discussion, not a competition…
Each student is expected to lead one class discussion. The schedule will be arranged at the beginning of the quarter. If the enrollment is high, students will be paired for this task.
Before for class meeting:
This presentation should take no more than 10 minutes. You can use graphs from the papers or other visual aids. You can use a laptop, transparencies, or draw on the blackboard, whichever you are more comfortable with.
During the class meeting:
Remember, your goal is to lead the discussion, not to dominate it. Ask your questions or use your influence when the discussion is stuck or when you believe we are missing a very important issue. Don’t expect the discussion to always go as you planned, we will hopefully generate some unexpected yet interesting ideas.
After the class meeting:
Meet with the student(s) that kept notes during the discussion. Merge your paper summaries and introductory presentation material with their notes in one (electronic) document and send it to me. I will post it on the class web-site. Please use on of the following formats: PDF, PS, or MS Word.
If necessary, I can meet with you before the class discussion and help you with the preparation, provide further pointers, go over material, etc.
Each student is expected to keep notes of one class discussion. The schedule will be arranged at the beginning of the quarter. If the enrollment is high, students will be paired for this task.
The notes must capture the essence of the discussion: significant ideas, major arguments (pros/cons), unresolved issues, conclusions, etc. You don’t have to rewrite the papers in your notes. The discussion leader will provide summaries. However, you should keep track of comments that target a specific paper.
After the class discussion, you should meet with the discussion leader to produce the final discussion document. It should include the summaries of the required papers (up to 1 page per paper), the introductory presentation material, and your notes. Use the following structure for the document (more or less):
Comments from our discussion
Comments from our discussion
You should send me an email with the notes as an attachment within 1 week from the class meeting. Please use on of the following formats: PDF, PS, or MS Word. In some rare cases, I may ask you to revise the notes after I review them.
If your notes include figures or drawings (strongly encouraged): The figures should be prepared using an electronic tool (don’t just scan hand drawings) and included in the notes document. If you use Latex to prepare the document, you can prepare drawings using xfig (available on virtually all Unix/Linux systems). Xfig can export EPS files, which are easy to incorporate in a latex document. If you use MS Word, you can either use the build-in drawing capabilities or import jpg or giff images ( xfig can export your drawing in either of the two formats).
Click here for an example of class discussion notes from EE482A (Spring 2002).
If you want to use Latex for the document preparation, start with file lect00.tex and add your notes to it. You will also need file handout.cls to compile your notes. The original version of these files was developed in CS448.
As active members of the research community, you will often be asked to review papers submitted for publication at conferences or journals. In EE392C, you will get some practice with peer reviews. Each student will review another’s group project report.
The reviews will be anonymous: the groups will not be told who their reviewers were. Your goal as a reviewer is to provide an impartial review and constructive criticism. Hence, you need to make a fair assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the paper and provide suggestions for improvements. Avoid harsh comments in the review (remember someone else is reviewing your report at the same time…). Fair and constructive are the keywords here.
I strongly suggest that you read the paper “ The Task of a Referee ” by A.J. Smith (IEEE Computer, 1990).
Use this ASCII form for your review.