Stanford University Department of Electrical Engineering
Computer Systems Colloquium (EE380) Schedule
Winter 2011-2012
Wednesdays, 4:15-5:30PM in Skilling Auditorium

Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium meets on Wednesdays 4:15PM-5:30PM throughout the academic year. Talks are given before a live audience in Skilling Auditorium on the Stanford Campus. The live talks (and the videos) are open to the public.

The Colloquium may also be viewed live on the web (click the "join the live presentation" link), or it may be viewed on demand over the web an hour or so (sometimes longer) after the lecture completes (click the video button on the schedule).

Colloquium talks are also distributed on iTunes and YouTube The release schedule to these channels is highly variable since it depends upon how much time SCPD staff has available outside of critical class-related work.

The Colloquium (EE380) is offered as a one unit class, with a S/NC. To receive credit in the Colloquium (assuming you are an enrolled student), select ten lectures, view each of the lectures over the web by clicking on the video camera icon, then submit a short commentary about the lecture by clicking on the thumbs-up thumbs-down icons, completing the web form, and submitting it.

After you've viewed all ten lectures, fill out a class evaluation form (look for the blinking red arrow on the schedule page). The final deadline for assignments is the last day of finals for the quarter.

If you enjoy the EE380 Colloquium you may want to attend one of the other CS or EE seminars.
  1. CS545, the Stanford Info Seminar, which meets Fridays 4:15-5:15pm in the Gates Room B12.
  2. CS547, the Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Seminar on People, Computers, and Design), which meets Fridays 12:50-2:05PM in Gates Room B01.
  3. The Program on Liberation Technology is part of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford. They frequently have lectures of interest to Computer Scientists and Engineers. The Seminar meets Thursdays 4:30-6:00PM in the Math Building 380, Room 380Y on the lower level.

[Join Talk]  Click here to join the live presentation  
Jan 11, 2012Stefan Savage
UC San Diego
Computer Science Department Distinguished Computer Scientist Lecture
Looking before you leap: the argument for data-driven security
Jan 18, 2012Kriss Hammond
Narrative Science
Generating Stories from Data: Bridging the Gap between Numbers and Knowing
Jan 25, 2012Parker Higgins
EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act
dangerous legislation and how the Internet fought back
Feb 1, 2012Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram Research
Science, Mathematica, and the Making of Wolfram|Alpha
Feb 8, 2012Whitfield Diffie
Revere Security
Hummingbird: A rotor-machine for the 21st Century
Feb 15, 2012Amir Michael
Facebook's Open Compute Project
Feb 22, 2012Kevin Modzelewski
How we've scaled Dropbox
Feb 29, 2012Jeff Bezanson
Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language For Technical Computing
Mar 7, 2012Joichi Ito
Director, MIT Media Lab
Innovation in Open Networks and the MIT Media Lab
Mar 14, 2012Kevin Rowett, Jon Bennett
Violin Memory
"I don't need that much performance" and other fables from the world of storage

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