Algorithmic game theory is a ten-year-old field at the interface of algorithms and microeconomics. We illustrate two of the main themes in the field via specific examples: performance guarantees for systems with autonomous users, illustrated by selfish routing in communication networks; and algorithmic mechanism design, illustrated by auctions for sponsored search.
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About the speaker:
Tim Roughgarden received his PhD from Cornell University in 2002 and joined the Stanford CS faculty in 2004. His research interests lie in theoretical computer science, especially its interfaces with game theory and networks. He wrote the book "Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy" and co-edited the book "Algorithmic Game Theory", with Nisan, Tardos, and Vazirani. His significant awards include the 2002 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention), the 2003 Tucker Prize, the 2003 INFORMS Optimization Prize for Young Researchers, a 2007 PECASE Award, and the 2008 Shapley Lectureship of the Game Theory Society.
Contact information:
Tim Roughgarden
Computer Science
462 Gates