In spite of less that ideal conditions and warnings that our off-the-shelf positioning and inertial sensors would never communicate with one another, the authors successfully field tested a system for navigating and mapping the activities of landmine clearing robots. We will discuss the development and testing of this JAVA based system and our efforts to bring it to market through CogniSense Labs Inc. and Mine Free Now. Contact information for these organizations can be found at and
About the speaker:
Dr. Owens is a founder of CogniSense Labs Inc. a corporation devoted to environmental cognition through sensing, a board member of the non-profit organization Mine Free Now which is focused on freeing our world of landmines and a professor in the Environmental Systems Mathematical Modeling graduate program at Humboldt State University. He is also the 2004 winner of the Intel Environment Award and a Laureate of the Tech Museum in Silicon Valley. Prior to his current position, he worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the areas of machine vision and remote sensing of the ocean.
Contact information:
Dr Ken Owens
Humboldt State University Mathematics Department
1 Harpst Street
Arcata, Ca 95521