Computing is now in the midst of yet another great paradigm. First mainframes gave way to mini-computers, then mini-computers to PCs, and today handheld computers are drastically outnumbering PCs. For 2003, compared with 164 Million PCs, approximately 510 Million mobile handsets were sold (Gartner). Virtually everyone now carries a cellphone with them everywhere; and a cellphone is today just a specialized type of mobile computer. With increasing computing power, increasing storage capacity, and plummeting costs, soon everyone will be armed with an ubiquitous general purpose mobile computer.
ACCESS Co. Ltd., is the world's leading supplier of web browsers for mobile, wireless, and embedded devices. ACCESS is based in Tokyo, a center of leading-edge mobile wireless technology. Our browser has been ported to many operating systems and hardware devices. The web browser is often the gateway application to mobile information, media, and services. This talk presents an overview of mobile applications and trends in mobile terminals and PDA devices.
I survey smartphones OSes, some popular mobile CPU architectures, and present several demonstrations of the latest mobile multi-media technology. The system-level components that enable comprehensive mobile computing of today will also drive the ubiquitous web browsing of tomorrow.
Additional information:
This talk was originally given as a Keynote address at Cool Chips in Japan.
You may want to take a look at Rising sun: iMode and the wireless Internet. It is available on-line only to ACM Members--the ACM Digital Library is a great benefit of membership. For paper copies, check the Stanford Library.
About the speaker:
Daniel F. Zucker, Ph.D. is Director of Technology at ACCESS, a leading provider of embedded Internet browsers deployed on cellphones, PDAs, set-top boxes, and other information appliances. ACCESS software runs on over 115 million devices from 90 major device manufacturers. Prior to ACCESS Dr. Zucker has held several leadership positions in the handheld computing industry including CTO of ePocrates, the leading supplier of medical applications for the Palm OS Platform, and VP of Engineering for MobileAria, a provider of telematics solutions. Dr. Zucker has authored several academic and professional publications on mobile computing, multimedia, and computer security. He received his BS, MS, and PhD from Stanford University's Department of Electrical Engineering.
Contact information:
Daniel Zucker