Software Radio is emerging as a major tool to design, build and deploy new wireless communication systems. In addition to emulating traditional radios, software radio enables the construction of extremely flexible, dynamically reconfigurable systems. This technology is one of the key tools in dramatically improving the utilization of the RF spectrum.
Eric will be speaking about GNU Radio, a free software toolkit for building software radios. The major GNU Radio accomplishment to date has been the construction of a fully functional HDTV (ATSC) receiver (IF samples at 20MS/sec in, MPEG transport stream out...)
The talk will include demos of some of the application built with GNU Radio, including the HDTV receiver. Other topics include a high performance, low cost SDR peripheral currently under development, as well as the future directions of GNU Radio.
About the speaker:
Eric Blossom is the founder of the GNU Radio project and the consulting firm Blossom Research. His main charter is developing and supporting GNU Radio and the community of developers and users around it.
Prior to his involvement with Software Radio, Eric spent many years attempting to bring secure phones to the commercial marketplace. In his most recent crypto venture, he served as co-Founder and CTO of Starium, where he lead the design and development of the Starium 100 secure phone.
Contact information:
Eric Blossom
Blossom Research
798 Lighthouse Ave., Suite 109
Monterey, CA 93940
+1 831 224 3000