Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, February 26, 2003
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03

Information Integration and XML: creation of the next generation database systems

Hamid Pirahesh
IBM Corporation
About the talk:

Abstract to be provided.

About the speaker:

Hamid Pirahesh, Ph.D., is an IBM fellow and a senior manager responsible for the exploratory database department at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. He is also the manager of DataBase Technology Institute (DBTI) at IBM research. He has direct responsibilities in various aspects of IBM DB2 product, including architecture, design and development. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles in the area of database systems. He is an IBM master inventor and a member of IBM Academy. He is also an associate editor of ACM Computing Surveys and has served on program committee of major computer conferences. He was a principle member of the original team that designed the query processing architecture of the IBM DB2 UDB relational DBMS and delivered the product to the marketplace. He has made major contributions to query language industry standards. His work on query optimization using aggregate data caching has resulted in dramatic performance improvement. This feature is now considered to be an essential for processing of complex data analysis and OLAP queries in large databases. His research areas include OLAP and aggregate data management, query optimization, data warehousing, Web services, management of semi-structured and unstructured XML data, Information integration in web based federated and distributed systems. He also serves as a consultant to various IBM product divisions, including the software division and IBM Global Services.

Contact information:

Hamid Pirahesh
650 Harry Road
San Jose CA 95120