Other participants include:
Robert Rodriguez, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, United States Secret Service
Richard Perlotto, Cisco Systems
Chris Lalone, Network Security, eBay
Mike Miravalle, CEO, Dolphin Technologies
Fred Demma, Dolphon Technologyies
The San Francisco Electronic Crimes Task Force seeks to engage the academic community to help us address the technology crimes affecting our community, our corporate partners and law enforcement. The crimes affecting our corporate partners include computer hacking, intellectual property crimes (criminal trademark and copyright infringement) and identity theft. These crimes are costing the high technology community billions of dollars and stunting the acceptance and growth of these technologies to support our economy. Antiquated investigative methods and poor individual accountability for Internet communications are some of the greatest challenges facing law enforcement. The solution to some of these challenges may lie within the academic community.
The talk will focus on several brief case studies relating our greatest challenges in fighting high technology crime. Each case study will be presented by a law enforcement agent and/or corporate partner of the task force.
About the speaker:
The San Francisco Electronic Crimes Task Force is a group of Federal, state, local investigators and corporate partners, lead by the U.S. Secret Service, focused on attacking high technology crime affecting Bay Area companies, locally and globally. The task force is part of the Secret Service's nation-wide network of electronic crimes task forces, see http://www.ectaskforce.org.
Contact information:
San Francisco Electronic Crimes Task Force
345 Spear St
San Francisco, CA
(415) 744-9026
Thanks to the Computer Forum and to Professors Dan Boneh and John Mitchell for assistance in organizing this event.