Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium
4:15PM, Wednesday, Month 17, 1999
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03
Thread Processing Applied to the Embedded Market
Donald Sollars
CTO and Chairman, Tera-Gen
About the talk:
I will give a basic overview of how TeraGen's thread processor technology
works. Topics to cover would include virtual register file, micro-thread
engines, and the translation based paradigm for defining processor
functionality. I would then cover how our multi-processing architecture
can be applied to some basic embedded applications and contrast our
solution versus a more classical solution to enable the students to
understand how these applications drove the definition of the processor
and the technology.
About the speaker:
Don Sollars has almost 20 years of experience in processor design, starting as a
layout designer. I have done circuit design, logic design,
micro-architecture, floating point architecture, and have defined 2
instruction set architectures. I have a working knowlege of compilers
and operating systems.
His work experience includes Loral, Intel,
Digital (DEC Alpha), and most recently Sun, where he was the architect
of the integer unit on the SuperSparc II processor. Donald Sollars is
one of the founders of TeraGen.
Contact information:
Donald Sollars