About the speaker:
Mr. Westort has spent his entire career in the field of optics from design to manufacturing to management. Experiences primarily involved programs for Military Fire Control Systems and Flight Simulation. At times the requirement was to design the impossible and then to find a way to make it! The high cost of manufacture and physical size limits seemed to impose, at times, absolute barriers to accomplishing the task. Such was the case with commercializing the concept for affordable large optical display systems for the commercial market. Large meaning operating apertures to 1.5 meters and more. At its inception, OPD recognized that optical manufacturing process technology needed to be developed for the production of precision optical components. As a result, the Company concentrated its initial efforts to develop the means of high volume production. Having now successfully concluded this phase the Company is concentrating on 3-D applications and marketing activities. Mr. Westort has published numerous papers involving the design and manufacture of optics and optical systems for the Optical Society of America and the Society of Photographic and Ilumination Engineers. Mr. Westort earned a BSME degree in Mechanical Engineering and a MBA in Business Management.
Contact information:
Kenneth Westort
OPD Corp.
301 E. Center St.
Elmira, NY 14901
(607) 737-0203
(607) 737-2634