PRCS is the Project Revision Control System. Its purpose is similar to that of SCCS, RCS, and CVS, but (according to its authors, at least), it is much simpler than any of those systems.
The implementation of PRCS is based on RCS, but for a number of reasons which will be outlined, RCS is unfit as a storage back-end for high level version control applications. The design of an RCS replacement for a future, disconnected version of PRCS has led to a new delta algorithm named Xdelta and an improved storage technique which can provide stronger performance guarantees and is suited for wide-area distribution.
Xdelta is a binary delta utility that is competitive with the standard text-based diff program, yet it does not require line-broken records to reduce problem complexity.
The PRCS and Xdelta homepages have more information.
About the speaker:
Josh MacDonald is a graduate student in computer science at UC Berkeley.
Contact information:
Josh MacDonald