Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, November 18, 1998
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03

Perl: Whence and Whither

Larry Wall
O'Reilly & Associates
About the talk:
My father used to say "You are quickly becoming who you already are." Certainly this is true of Perl. In this talk we will look at where Perl is coming from, and where it's going, and how Perl's comings and goings are related to each other.

About the speaker:

Larry Wall lives in Mountain View with his wife and four kids, two cats, and fifteen fish. He likes to teach his computers to make weird noises in response to everything that goes on in his house. He posts strange articles to Usenet occasionally. He also happens to be known for writing rn, patch, and Perl.

Contact information:

Larry Wall