Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium

11:00AM, Wednesday, July 1, 1998
Terman 156

Programming SmartCards with JAVA

Patrice Peyret
Director Consumer Transactions
Sun Microsystems, Inc. / JavaSoft
The traditional approach to programming for smart cards does not allow the creation of loadable executable code and requires programmers with experience in programming in Assembly. This does not allow card manufacturers to quickly respond to changes in the market and limits the flexibility of what the smart card provides to end-users. Object Oriented programming provides a more dynamic approach to card applications. Objects give good support for security both for the programmer and run-time implementation. Java is an excellent object oriented development environment for programmers to create applications that are used in smart cards

This Seminar will examine the following topics:

About the speaker:

Patrice Peyret has held varying positions of importance in the smart card industry for the past 8 years. He headed the Thomson Consumer Electronics R & D Labs in France in 1988 when Thomson created the world's first smart card equipped Pay-TV decoder for BSKyB in the UK. From 1989 to 1995 he was the Director of R & D for Gemplus, which grew to become the world's largest smart card manufacturer.

In May 1995, he incorporated Integrity Arts in California, a start-up company dedicated to new-generation software architectures for dynamic, secure, multi-applications smart cards.

Recently, Integrity Arts was acquired by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Prior to his contributions to the smart card world, Patrice headed Thomson's personal information systems lab in Los Angeles and participated in high-tech start-ups such as Jaron Lanier's VPL Research.

Integrity Arts, a recent acquisition of Sun Microsystems and based in San Mateo, Calif., was founded in early 1995 to bring advanced software development concepts, tools, and methods to the smart card industry. The company develops programming tools as well as object and source code modules to create smart card and terminal operating systems and applications. All IA products use an open architecture, modular approach to software development.

Intructor Comments:

This talk was originally scheduled to be given by Eduard de Jong, Integrity Arts' Chief Scientist. Unfortunately, a family emergency has called him back to Amsterdam. Patrice Peyret volunteered to step in and give the talk on short notice.

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