Theese new developments are stretching the limits of the original design of TCP/IP along all possible dimensions. In particular, the best-effort service model and the end-system-only (cooperating TCP sources) traffic management scheme are no longer adequate. New service models and sophisticated resource management algorithms and protocols have been developed. They include improvements to TCP algorithms (Vegas, SACK, new Reno), router mechanisms for congestion management (RED, Fair Queueing), service models, protocols, algorithms to support end-to-end QoS on a per flow basis (intserv, RSVP, traffic control, admission control), and more recently, service models and algorithms to support QoS for traffic aggregates (diffserv, provisioning). In this talk, I will discuss the fundamental issues and tradeoffs in designing traffic control and QoS management algorithms for the Internet. Throughout the talk, I will discuss the architectual implications of the new algorithms/protocols/service models, including their impact on the original important goals for Internet: scalability, robustness, and heterogeneity.
About the speaker:
Hui Zhang is an assistant professor at the School of Computer Science of Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. Before joining the faculty at CMU in 1995, he spent one year at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a Post Doctoral Fellow. Professor Hui Zhang has conducted research in the area of resource management algorithms and protocols for wide-area internetworks for the last 8 years. His research includes scheduling, traffic characterization, admission control, routing, congestion control, reliable multicasting algorithms, and real-time protocols. Professor Zhang received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 1996.
Contact information:
Hui Zhang
School of Computer Science
Carnetie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891