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Apr 30,1997
Douglas Barnes, C2Net Software
Hazards of Writing Secure Software

Speaker: Douglas Barnes

Title: Prison, Lawsuits and Other Hazards of Writing Secure Software


Software that uses cryptography presents a unique set of perils to the developer. A rapidly changing legal environment with respect to exports is further complicated by patented and trade secret algorithms that have become entrenched in a number of standards.

In the specific area of web-oriented software, this is further complicated by the legacy of older browsers that bless a small set of certificate authorites, who have, in turn, also become a yet another barrier to entry for new software.

I'll be talking about the challenge of simultaneously dealing with export control, patents, certificate authorities, and the weird interactions between them, while still trying to produce first-rate, uncompromised security software.


Douglas Barnes is the Vice President of C2Net Software, Inc. which makes the Stronghold web server and SafePassage Web Proxy, an internationally-available full-strength cryptography add-on for export-crippled web browsers. He manages PC development, in addition to overseeing sales, marketing and public relations.


Douglas Barnes
C2Net Software, Inc.,
1212 Broadway, suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 986 8773

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Dennis Allison
Tue Jun 3 16:37:09 PDT 1997