OverviewImage reconstruction methods are central to many of the new applications of medical imaging. This course will provide an introduction these techniques in a consistent framework by developing a sequence of software tools for the reconstruction of medical imaging data. The class will start with coverage of a number of common ideas that occur in a wide range of problems, including reconstructing images from non-uniformly sampled data, reconstruction from projection data, reconstruction from undersampled data, and automatically focusing images. Examples will be chosen from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), x-ray computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Prerequisites: EE369A,B are recommended. Course InformationSee the information in the links on the left. AnnouncementsThe class will be conducted on zoom. The link is https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91686709849?pwd=S1ZZUERVV2xvMzJnczFNUnJkd1R0UT09 The lectures will be taped, and available on canvas to anyone signed up for the course. You need to have a Stanford login ID to watch the recorded videos. |