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Scenario 1

  In scenario 1, we examine the probability of underflow for a 30 second clip, given that the buffer is filled to a target level tex2html_wrap_inline989 before playout begins, and the rate of the media stream is the maximum rate of the channel. We also investigate the average playout time of the clip for various adaption functions, f.

In this scenario we assume a frame rate of 15 fps and a total buffer size of 450 frames. Let tex2html_wrap_inline993 be the state (fullness) of the buffer while frame n is played out. Let tex2html_wrap_inline997 be the frame-to-frame transition matrix populated as in equation 6 for a given channel C and a given adaption function f(i). For this scenario, we set the transition from the zero state as:


Thus, any probability that flows into state zero remains there. To find the probability of underflow for a given target tex2html_wrap_inline989 , we begin by setting


We then propagate the state forward by tex2html_wrap_inline1009 frames and find the probability that the buffer underflows during the course of the 30 second clip by examining tex2html_wrap_inline1011 .



To find the expected playout duration of the clip, we find the expected playout duration of each frame according to f(i) and d(n) and then average this value over all the frames in the clip. We exclude from the expectation the probability accumulated in the tex2html_wrap_inline1017 or underflow state. The average playout rate tex2html_wrap_inline1019 is given by:


In section 4 the values calculated in this manner are compared with results found during simulation experiments.

Mark Kalman
Tue Mar 13 05:01:37 PST 2001