Title : Texture Extrapolation Using Multi-Resolution Pyramid for Compression Sung-Won Yoon : yoons1@leland.stanford.edu SeongTaek Chung : bluesky@leland.stanford.edu We propose to explore the texture extrapolation algorithm in this term project. First, we implement the single resolution texture synthesis using non-parametric sampling [1]. We will investigate the algorithm by changing the various parameters involved, e.g. kernel size and shape. The resulting images will be reviewed carefully and we will try to improve the algorithm. We expect that as [1] is quite recent approach, there should be some room left to improve the performance. One of the improvement directions that we have in mind now is the extension of the single resolution texture synthesis method [1] into multi-resolution pyramid method [2]. Here are several issues that we can investigate into. 1. In constructing pyramid, the kinds of filters that we use could affect the final performance. In [2] they used the Gaussian pyramid, but the performance of other pyramid hasn't been investigated yet. 2. The size of neighborhood at each resolution level was decided arbitrarily in [2], but there should be some optimal neighborhood size at each resolution level. Another extension that we could think of is the extension of the single resolution texture synthesis method [1] into fast single resolution texture synthesis method using the faster log2 block matching method in video coding. Exhaustive search is used in looking for the matching block which is obviously very time wasteful. In video coding, log2 block matching is used to expedite the block matching time duration, so we apply that concept into this single resolution texture synthesis. We will investigate the gain and loss in computation complexity, MSE, and the perceptual satisfaction. Comparison for the various methods will be illustrated. [1] Alexei A. Efros and Thomas K. Leung, "Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, September 1999 [2] Li-Yi Wei and Marc Levoy, "Fast Texture Synthesis using Tree-structured Vector Quantization", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000