Title: Elder-Zucker image compressions: implementation & analysis Chad Netzer cnetzer@stanford.edu Dion Monstavicius dionm@stanford.edu We propose implementing the still image compression scheme proposed by Elder et al in ref 1. This scheme is as follows: Encoder: 1) Perform a multi-resolution edge detection scheme to find relevent edges in an image. 2) At these edge boundaries, keep the intensity information and an estimate of the first derivative for transmission. Depending on the image, this can reduce complexity by order N. 3) perform compression on this data for transmission. Chad and I may investigate possible implementations for this part. (Elder does not detail this part) Decoder: 1) With the boundary information, reconstruct the image by solving Laplace's equation using the edge information as a boundary condition. We expect this to be the most challenging part of the project. 2) Elder illustrates how this step still retains artifacts, and proposes an additional processing step to supress these artifacts. Project goals: Project goals: 1) Sucessful implementation of scheme. 2) Rate distortion analysis of compression of technique. 3) Proposals for practical encoding of edge information. References: 1) J.H. Elder et al, "Are Edges Incomplete?" International Journal of Computer Vision, 1999 vol 34 no 2-3 p 97. 2) J.H. Elder et al. "Local scale control for edge detection an dblur estimation" IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, July 1998, vol 20, no 7, p 699.