Rate-constrained Change detection and Shape Coding Xinqiao (Chiao) Liu Information Systems Laboratory Dept. of Electrical Engineering chiao@stanford.edu MPEG-4 is the first international standard allowing the transmission of arbitrarily shaped video objects(VO's). Several schemes have been proposed in the object-based video coder to encoding the VO shape information, such as binary bitmap-based shape coder and binary contour based shape coder[1]. A polygon based shape representation was developed for OBASC (object-based analysis-synthesis coder)[2]. Under the constrain of the maximum distortion D_max for a lossy shape encoding, the algorithm searches for a polygon approximation which requires the minimum number of polygon points (vertex). Splines that are defined by the vertices may also be used in the last step to smooth the representation of the shape. Vertex coordinates and the curve type between two vertices are arithmetically encoded. The minimum number of vertices used in the polygon approximation of the original object shape results in the best bit-rate achievable. Motion segmentation is performed in the image analysis unit of the OBASC. The efficiency of the shape coding as a result of motion segmentation scheme, however, is not discussed. A new motion segmentation technique is proposed based on a new design technique of the video image sensor. The contour of a moving object is generated by performing motion detection inside each light sensing pixel during frame exposure time. This scheme enables the study of the correlation between change detection and shape coding using original input to the video sensor. In this project, polygon-based lossy contour shape encoder will be implemented first. The correlation between the shape encoder and the proposed motion segmentation scheme will then be studied where the distortion function is redefined as the difference between polygon approximated shape and the original moving object. Rate constrained change detection and shape coding will be optimized. [1] Katsaggelos, A.K.; Kondi, L.P.; Meier, F.W.; Ostermann, J.; Schuster, G.M. "MPEG-4 and rate-distortion-based shape-coding techniques", Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume: 86 6 , June 1998 , Page(s): 1126 -1154 [2] Hotter, M. "Optimization and efficiency of an object-oriented analysis-synthesis coder", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume: 4 2 , April 1994 , Page(s): 181 -194