Marcus Isaksson
Joakim Jalden
December 1, 2000
We will present an evaluation of three different search
strategies used for motion estimation using block matching.
The strategies that we will compare are: full search, 2D
logarithmic search and conjugate direction search, carried out
for integer-pel, half-pel, and quarter-pel accuracy of motion
compensation using bilinear interpolation for sub-pel
The strategies will be compared in terms of prediction error
and computational complexity.
In order to efficiently encode a sequence of frames one could use
block based motion estimation to predict frames from previous
frames. This involves finding the block in the previous frame that in
some sense is the most similar block to the block currently viewed in
the present frame. The block in the previous frame would then be used
as a prediction for the block in the present frame and the prediction
error would be coded and transmitted along with the offset to the
block in the previous frame. This offset will be referred to as the
motion vector as it is an indication of the motion of the particular
An apparent problem with this scheme is that the process of finding
the best block in the previous frame requires very heavy computation.
If one were to work with frames of size 176x144 pixels
and were allowed to chose 8x8 pixel blocks at 0.25 pixels apart there
would be 366785 blocks to chose from. It is of course not plausible to
believe that all blocks are equally likely to be the best match and
one could limit the search to a smaller number of blocks. The number
of blocks that still has to be tested in a practical system will
however be rather large.
Several more or less clever ways of finding the best match or finding
a match that is good enough without having to consider every possible
block have been proposed. Two of these methods for finding the best
match was evaluated in this project and the results of these
were compared to the "brute force" method.
The most general search strategy. Each possible motion vector within a given maximal search distance is evaluated. This is slow, but clearly gives an optimal motion vector within given maximal search distance. This algorithm is too slow to be of any practical use when run on a single processor system, although it's regularity makes it a good candidate for parallel systems or specially designed hardware. In our test sequences a maximal search distance of 18 pixels was used. This number is based on an estimation of the maximal motion between frames in those sequences. Further increase of the search distance would not have resulted in any significant (if any) improvement of the prediction.
The 2D logarithmic search as described by Jain and Jain [1] is a
method of finding the motion of a block by successively moving
towards a (not necessarily global) minimum using a shrinking
step size. The method work as follows:
1. Chose an initial step size s and an initial starting point,
(i,j), of the search.
2. Look at the distortion that would result from choosing the blocks
at coordinates (i,j), (i-s,j), (i+s,j), (i,j-s) and (i,j+s) as
prediction for the current block of interest. If the minimum
distortion is at (i,j) the step size is changed to s/2. Otherwise the
coordinates (i,j) is change to the coordinates that revealed the
minimum distortion.
3. If s is larger than the resolution of the motion vectors then
continue at 2.
A more thorough description of the method can be found in the paper by
Jain and Jain [1] written in 1981. This paper does not discuss
logsearch at a subpixel level but the implementation of this using
logsearch is straight forward in that only the resolution of the
motion vectors will be set to a value below 1 pixel.
Conjugate direction search as described by Srinivasan and Rao [2] is based on the assumption that the
goal function to be minimized (the prediction error variance)
behaves quadratic close to an optimum.
In each step the
algorithm tries to minimize the goal function along one
direction from a starting point. Using a given step length it
searches along that direction until a minimum is found. Then
a search in another direction is performed. More specific, the
algorithm always keeps track of two directions, say D and E,
initially set to vertical resp. horizontal directions.
First a search along E is performed. From that optimal point a
search along D is performed. From the direction of the total
movement of the
search point during these two searches a new search direction
C is found. Another search along C is then performed, and
after that E is replaced by D and D by C and the algorithm
starts all over again with the new set of directions. When
the current search point is minimal in both the D and the E
direction the algorithm terminates.
After some steps this algorithm will produce non-integer
search points. Since we only allow integer motion vectors (or
half/quarter of an integer in sub-pixel resolution) these
points have to be rounded of to the nearest integer value (or
half/quarter of an integer).
To test the algorithms at hand 3 sets of test data were used. These were empirically selected in an effort to represent a wide variety of sequences while minimizing the number of data sets. The test sequences consisted of 6 qcif frames each which enables 5 different frames to be subject of the block matching techniques. Only the luminance part of the frames were used in the evaluation of the block matching techniques. This makes a data set to be 6 frame each of 176x144 pixels quantized to 8 bit values. These sets of frames will from here on be referred to as Suzie1, Suzie2 and Foreman.
This set of frames are taken from the suzie qcif animation frames 47 to 52. The sequence shows a woman that faces the camera while speaking on the telephone. In the frames selected for suzie1 the woman is just about to change position and the frames show her head going rapidly backwards while the she is lowering her telephone.
The circles in the plot above marks the center of a block in the current frame and the lines goes out from the center of a circle to the position of where this block was located in the previous frame. This sequence mainly has two moving parts that move in different directions. These are the head that goes to the right while turning and the telephone that goes down. The frames also consist of a rather large portion that is, except from some noise, constant from frame to frame. A typical motion between frames in this sequence is 5 pixels for the telephone and 0 for the background.
This set of frames are also taken from the suzie qcif animation. Suzie2 consist of frames 125 to 130. In these frames the woman is simply listening to the phone and the frames contains virtually no motion at all.
The only movement in these frames are small movements of the eyes and a gentle, nearly undetectable, movement of the head. This sequence of frames also consist of large parts of constant background. Motion vectors in this sequence are typically 0.
The foreman data set are the frames 308 to 313 of the foreman qcif movie. These frames show a pan of the camera across a construction yard. The sequence consist of large diagonal motion. The frames, in contrast to the other sets, also have a fair bit of motion blur to them.
Large portions of new image is presented in the lover and right edges of each frame. The size of the motion between frames is somewhere between 8 and 9 pixels. All motion of this sequence is translatory.
In the implementation of the block matching algorithms mean square
error was used as a measurement of distortion between blocks. More
precisely a function D(x,y) which returned the sum of the squared
differences between the pixels divided by the number of pixels in the
current block at coordinates (i,j) and the block at position (i+x,j+y)
in the previous frame was used. In order to be able to handle sub-pel
accuracy in the motion, non integer values of x and y, bilinear
interpolation was used to get pixel values of the previous frame at
non integer coordinates.
The distortion function D(x,y) proved to be very different depending
on what block was being used. Ideally one would wish that D(x,y)
would prove to be an convex function with one single minimum
corresponding to the motion of the block. This is something that both the
papers by Jain and Jain [1] and Srinivasan [2] claim to be a good
approximation of the real case and it is somewhat crucial in order for
the search algorithms to work efficiently.
It was however found in this evaluation of search methods that this
assumption about the distortion function is valid only for smooth
sequences with very limited motion. In sequences containing higher
frequency components and where the motion is larger this model of the
distortion function is not a very good one. In order to illustrate
this point two block from different sequences and the corresponding
distortion function is shown below.
As noted above the distortion of the block in the higher motion
sequence Foreman which also features higher frequency components (trees)
does is not have a single minimum. It is however true that the global
minimum at (x,y) = (7,4.5) correspond to the true motion. In the block
taken from the Suzie1 sequence the model is better but by no means perfect.
An artifact that can be seen in both plots of the distortion is a set
of small bumps in the surface. The tops of these bumps are located at
integer coordinates. This is a result of filtering due to the bilinear
interpolation. At integer positions the interpolation results in the
value of the pixel at that position while at the non integer positions
the value from the interpolation is a weighted average of 4
neighboring pixels. This has a low pass filtering effect on the image
and consequently reduce the noise. As an effect of this the distortion
of the block match corresponding to this position is lower. This
effect has to be kept in mind if one is to use a search strategy based
on the gradient of the distortion function at sub-pel accuracy.
We have compared the distortion and the execution speed of the
three algorithms using the three test sequences, and both 8x8
blocks and 16x16 blocks. For the distortion comparison the
PSNR (Peak Signal To Noise Ratio) for the predicted images has
been used.
For the speed comparison we have not really measured the
execution time, since it's very implementation dependent
(Matlab favors algorithms that can be implemented using
matrix operations instead of loops). Instead the average
number of block comparisons performed in the search for a
given motion vector has been used. This is where a good
non-matlab implementation would spend most of it's time, so
ignoring the execution time of the other code doesn't matter
that much.
The following plot shows the comparison for Foreman using 8x8
Given a sequence that contains relatively small motion and with and few
high frequency detail the search algorithms algorithms work reasonably
well. Given a sequence with hight motion an a lot of detail the
results are far from perfect. The main problem is the apparent
difficulty of these algorithms to find a minimum that is more than an
about block size away. If however these algorithms (and
conjugate directions in particular) are given the extra
information of a good guess as to where the minimum might be, in our
case the use of previously calculated motion vectors, the algorithms
do perform remarkably well. Especially considering that for the
maximum search length of 18 pixels used in these measurements the
number of block comparisons for conjugate direction versus full search
are cut by a factor of about 100 for integer-pel to 500 for
quarter-pel. And this with an decrease in prediction PSNR by
only about 1 to 2 dB as compared to full search.
With the speedups available for the full search block these algorithms
are probably not that useful if there is time to compress the sequence
of frames and store the compressed data prior to transmission but in
a software based encoder compressing in real time these algorithms
might prove to be very useful indeed.
[1] Jain J.R., Jain A.K., Displacement Measurement and Its Application in
Interframe Image Coding , IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 29,
No. 12, December 1981 <0br>
[2] Srinivasan R., Rao K.R., Predictive Coding Based on Efficient Motion
Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 33, No. 8, August