Digital Image Processing


Class Information

Class Schedule


Projects Win 2018/19

Projects Win 2017/18

Projects Aut 2016/17

Projects Aut 2015/16

Projects Spr 2014/15

Projects Spr 2013/14

Projects Win 2013/14

Projects Aut 2013/14

Projects Spr 2012/13

Projects Spr 2011/12

Projects Spr 2010/11

Projects Spr 2009/10

Projects Spr 2007/08

Projects Spr 2006/07

Projects Spr 2005/06

Projects Spr 2003/04

Projects Spr 2002/03

Test Images

MATLAB Tutorials

Android Tutorials



Lecture Examples
Chapter 13: Scale-Space Image Processing

  1. 1-d Scale Space
  2. Heat Diffusion Movie
  3. Laplacian-of-Gaussian versus Difference-of-Gaussian
  4. Laplacian in Scale Space
  5. Laplacian Zero Crossings in Scale Space
  6. Laplacian Zero Crossings Movie
  7. Harris-Laplace Detector
  8. Difference-of-Gaussian Scale Space
  9. SIFT and SURF Detectors

Please contact us if you have any questions about this page.
Last modified: 2/13/2014