Supplemental Reading for Lecture 5
- A. Alexiou, and M. Haardt, Smart antenna technologies for future wireless systems: trends and challenges, Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.42, no.9, pp. 90-97, Sept. 2004.
- M.L. Roberts, M.A. Temple, R.F. Mills and R.A. Raines, Evolution of the air interface of cellular communications systems toward 4G realization, Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE , vol.8, no.1, pp.2-23, First Quarter 2006
- J.G. Andrews, Interference Cancellation for Cellular Systems: A Contemporary Overview, IEEE Wireless Communications, pp. 19-29, April 2005.
- J.P. Pena-Martin, J.M. Romero-Jerez, G. Aguilera and A. Goldsmith, Performance comparison of MRC and IC under transmit diversity, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., pp.2484-2493, May 2009.