/*! \file avrlibtypes.h \brief AVRlib global types and typedefines. */
// File Name	: 'avrlibtypes.h'
// Title		: AVRlib global types and typedefines include file
// Author		: Pascal Stang
// Created		: 7/12/2001
// Revised		: 9/30/2002
// Version		: 1.0
// Target MCU	: Atmel AVR series
// Editor Tabs	: 4
//	Description : Type-defines required and used by AVRlib.  Most types are also
//						generally useful.
// This code is distributed under the GNU Public License
//		which can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt


#ifndef WIN32
	// true/false defines
	#define FALSE	0
	#define TRUE	-1

// datatype definitions macros
typedef unsigned char  u08;
typedef          char  s08;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef          short s16;
typedef unsigned long  u32;
typedef          long  s32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef          long long s64;

// maximum value that can be held
// by unsigned data types (8,16,32bits)
#define MAX_U08	255
#define MAX_U16	65535
#define MAX_U32	4294967295

// maximum values that can be held
// by signed data types (8,16,32bits)
#define MIN_S08	-128
#define MAX_S08	127
#define MIN_S16	-32768
#define MAX_S16	32767
#define MIN_S32	-2147483648
#define MAX_S32	2147483647

#ifndef WIN32
	// more type redefinitions
	typedef unsigned char   BOOL;
	typedef unsigned char	BYTE;
	typedef unsigned int	WORD;
	typedef unsigned long	DWORD;

	typedef unsigned char	UCHAR;
	typedef unsigned int	UINT;
	typedef unsigned short  USHORT;
	typedef unsigned long	ULONG;

	typedef char  CHAR;
	typedef int   INT;
	typedef long  LONG;
