EE204: Business Management for
Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists

EE204 next offered Spring 2016

Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am-11:15am

Course Registration

High demand for this class in the past has made registration difficult. Student comments and course reviews are available. Please register only if you plan to take the class and are familiar with the class and its goals, methods, grading, and attendance policies, all of which can be found on this site. Please be considerate of other students who are waiting for this class.


Students from all departments are welcome. The class is intended for M.S. and Ph.D. students.

First two class attendance Requirement

Attendance at the first two classes is mandatory. The first class covers detailed information on how to succeed in this case based discussion method and the opportunity to experiment with speaking in class. The second class introduces the concept of strategy and forms a critical foundation for future classes.

Course Reader

Because the class uses Harvard Cases, Notes, and Business Review articles, which are expensive if purchased at retail prices, the required course reader will now be available for purchase directly through Harvard Business School Online Publishing. Each student will purchase one copy of the course materials online and print out the materials for himself or herself. (Please respect the copyright of the authors and purchase a legal copy of the course reader. No sharing.) The price of the course reader is approximately $125+, which is a significant discount over the retail price.

Purchase information for the Course Reader can be found on the Assignments page.

Class twitter news feed

It is recommended that all students subscribe to the class twitter feed Stanfordbiztech. Here you will see postings of articlers concerning the companies studied in class and management articles covering the major themes of the course. Both instructors and students are encouraged to submit posts to the class TAs for tweeting.