Assignment writeups for SCPD students replacing Classroom Discussion
The Classroom Discussion component of the final grade for SCPD students will be based upon 1 written submission for each class.
SCPD students will need to submit one written submissions for each class meeting. This portion of the assignment must be submitted by Midnight PT/CA Time on Tuesday and Friday for assignments discussed Tuesday and Thursday respectively. Submissions recieved late will recieve a maximim of 50% since videotaped lectures are available after class.
Description of writeups
Assignment writeup (due by Midnight PT/CA time for Tuesday readings and Friday at Midnight PT/CA time for Thursday readings)
- Roughly one page long and meant to mimic in-class discussion, not a research paper.
- Okay to answer questions in list form (does not need to be prepared as an essay).
After submission, writeups for all EE204S students will be available for Peer Review on NovoEd
- Students can choose to review other student's submissions for extra credit by comparing written work with videotaped lectures.
- Extra Credit is awarded to the student reviewer by participating and commenting on papers. We aim to mimic the in-class discussion with concepts drawn form lecture videos.
- Peer review comments and peer grades do not factor in to the final grades.
- Review comments can include:
- A summary of the main points of the live class discussion compared with reviewed paper
- Any points from the paper that you found particularly enlightening or disagreed with
- A discussion of how the student's responses did or did not align with the direction of the class discussion
Schedule of assignments
- Complete the reading on your own and submit a Writeup with your answers to the study questions/discussion questions. This portion of the assignment must be submitted by Midnight PT/CA Time on Tuesday and Friday for assignments discussed Tuesday and Thursday respectively..
- The lecture of the live class meeting will be posted by SCPD within 1-2 hours of the end of the live class meeting.
- Once the video is posted, watch the discussion and choose to participate in the Peer Review process on NovoEd. There is no deadline for Peer Reviewed comments, but reviewers must watch the lecture prior to reviews.
Any deviations from this format will be handled on a class-by-class basis and will be described in detail on the webpage for a particular class meeting.
Submitting Written Responses
All written SCPD work (written responses, midterm paper, final paper) should be submitted in the following THREE ways:
- Using the SCPD Homework Processing procedures (required by SCPD)
- Directly to our teaching team by emailing your response to ee204scpd |at| gmail |dot| com.
- Posted to NovoEd (Submissions will be visible to all students after due date) - if you have not received a NovoEd login, please email TAs
Please submit all emailed responses as pdf documents.
Evaluation of Written Responses
The following criteria (based upon Classroom Discussion Criteria) will be considered in evaluatiion of written responses:
- Were all the questions answered/attempted?
- Are ideas clearly and articulately expressed?
- Are the comments relevant to the current case and reading?
- Are comments supported using facts from the case and tools developed in the class?
- Does the student explore the implications and importance of his or her answers and recommendations?
- Are comments insightful?
- Are comments complete and concise?
Written responses for Writeups will be evaluated on a three-point scale, similar to in-class participation evaluation. SCPD students will receive a mid-quarter evaluation of their submissions and written feedback on their submissions for each writeup.
Additional Extra Credit
A variety of extra-credit opportunities are available for EE204S, including the following:
- Give a short in-class presentation on a current event related to the course (local students only, remote students may create videos)
- Present five slides giving recommendations for one the written assignments (or create video)
- Implement the framework for the CaseWiki
- Participate in product testing for the Emotiv case (local students only)
Additionally, the top performing team in the simulation and top performing individuals in the CaseWiki are awarded extra credit.
Honor Code
All students, whether enrolled for the live or SCPD course offering, are expected to abide by the Stanford Honor Code.