EE183ers, In, there is an example .bmp and .coe file that could be used to initialize a single 4Kb BRAM. Note that you need to save the .bmp in 24bit bmp format. The command to generate the .coe is "bmp2coe.exe mono_in_24.bmp mono_in_24.coe" This could be extended to a larger size (ie, 128x128) if you wanted to use 4 BRAMS to store the image. You could also use another BRAM if you wanted 2 bit color. You could then select from 4 colors in the colormap but they need to be selected to be 24'b00, 24'b01, 24'b10, and 24'b10 so they only use 2 bits when the coe file is created. Note that the black and dark blue colors are totally arbitrary and not related to the color that this image might have on the VGA monitor. This could be used to initialize the game state or to show a background image while the game state is evolving. Paul