Curriculum and Instruction, Foreign Language 264c
Margaret Azevedo, Instructor
Multimedia Application Assignment
The State Informational Technology Standards states that "in order to receive a clear secondary teaching credential in California all applicants must demonstrate that they have met the California Computer Requirements." One of the requirements includes applicants will . . . "learn how to use an application with wide usefulness in teaching and learning in your subject."
As stated in your Winter Quarter Syllabus, one of your assignments includes the creation of a lesson that incorporates the use of technology and the Foreign Language Standards. The lesson should be integrated into your two-week Unit Plan, or an extension of the plan, a lesson you may want the students to complete later on after the two weeks. It should, however, be related to the overall theme and essential question(s) proposed in your Unit Plan.
Your technology lesson must reflect the essential principles, strategies and techniques commensurate with communicative-based instruction in teaching a second language and incorporate at least two of the five main Foreign Language Standards.
You may choose from one of several multi-media applications such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, iMovie, PowerPoint, the Internet, or any other appropriate applications.
You need to do the following to complete the Multimedia Application Assignment:
You want the students to learn the vocabulary necessary to bargain in the open-air market, such as the names of the fruits and vegetables and how to ask and answer questions in a bargaining situation. The lesson would have the students view pictures of an authentic marketplace and read or hear narration based on what is seen and done in the market. They could then perform specific tasks such as answer multiple-choice or true-false questions, or write a brief summary about what they have just learned. The lesson must be contextualized and interactive and not "drill & kill" in nature. In other words, your students would be engaged in using the second language to communicate as they would in a real-life marketplace.