Ed 224 - Information Technology in the Classroom
Overviews of all aspects of the subject of IT in the classroom:
- The Jossey-Bass Reader on Technology and Learning (2000) (A selection
of good recent articles covering most facets of the topic.
- Teachers and Technology, Making the Connection, U.S. Congress, Office
of Technology Assessment (1995)
- Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Roblyer and Edwards.
(Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Shelly, Cashman, Gunter,
and Gunter (Course Technology, 2002)
- Computer Education for Teachers, Sharp (McGraw Hill, 2002)(organized
around applications (word processors, spreadsheets, database manager, etc.)
and subjects (math, science, etc.)
- Computers in Education Annual Editions, Hirschbuhl and Bishop (McGraw-Hill/Dushkin,
2001) (a selection of articles published during the year)
General works that take a particular perspective on the subject:
(the title describes the perspective)
- The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem-Solving,
Forcier and Descy (Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2002)
- Learning with Technology, A Constructivist Perspective, Jonassen,
Peck, and Wilson (Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1999)
- Integrating the Internet for Meaningful Learning, Grabe and Grabe
(Houghton Mifflin, 2000)
On computers and technology:
- Discovering Computers, Concepts for a Digital World, Shelly Cashman,
On locating reviews of educational software:
- The Complete Sourcebook on Children's Software, the editors of Children's
Software Review.
On policy questions about computers in the classroom:
- Teachers and Technology, Making the Connection, U.S. Congress, Office
of Technology Assessment (1995) (policy chapters)
- Education and Technology, Reflections on Computing in Classrooms,
Fisher, Dwyer, and Yocam (Jossey Bass, 1996)(Reflections on what was learned
from ten years of the Apple Classroom of Tomorrow Project)
- Fostering the Use of Educational Technology, Elements of a National Strategy,
Glennan and Melmed (RAND, 1996)
- The CEO Forum School Technology and Readiness Report, (the CEO Forum
on Education and Technology, June 2001)