and the Status of Women:
Below are required and recommended readings for
the course. You may find it
helpful to seek out the recommended readings for additional perspectives on the
topics covered.
I. Overview of Feminist Theories (April 2
& 4)
Andersen, Margaret L. 2000. Chapters
11-13 in Thinking about Women:
Sociological and Feminist Perspectives. 5th ed. New
York: Macmillan.
Maynard, Mary. 1995. “Beyond
the ‘Big Three’: The Development of Feminist Theory into the 1990s.” Women’s
History Review 4, 3: 259-81.
Recommended reading
Jaggar, Alison. 1981. “Feminism
and Philosophy.” Pp. 6-21 in Feminism and Philosophy, edited by Mary
Vetterling-Braggin, Frederick A. Elliston, and Jane English. Totowa, NJ: Roman and Littlefield.
II. Comparative Views (April 9 & 11)
Ramirez, Francisco O. “Progress, Justice, and Gender Equity: World Models and
Cross-National Trends.” Prepared
for publication in Bending the Bars of
the Iron Cage: Institutional Dynamics and Processes, edited by Walter W.
Powell and Daniel L. Jones.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming.
Stromquist, Nelly P. 2000. “Voice,
Harmony, and Fugue in Global Feminism.”
Gender and Education 12, 4: 419-433.
Arnot, Madeleine. 2000. “Gender
Relations and Schooling in the New Century: Conflicts and Challenges.” Compare 30, 3: 293-302.
Access (April 16 & 18) ** Annotated Bibliographies due 4/16**
Stash, Sharon and Emily Hannum. 2001. “Who Goes to School?
Educational Stratification by Gender, Caste, and Ethnicity in
Nepal.” Comparative Education
Review 45, 3: 354-378.
Zhou, Xueguang, Phyllis
Moen and Nancy Brandon Tuma.
1998. “Education
Stratification in Urban China: 1949-94.”
Sociology of Education 71, 3: 199-222.
Assie-Lumumba, N’Dri
Therese. “Educational and Economic
Reforms, Gender Equity, and Access to Schooling in Africa.” 2000. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 41, 1:
Niloufar. 1999. “The Problematic of Female Education,
Ethnicity and National Identity in Afghanistan (1920-1999).” Social Analysis 43, 1: 73-82.
Sutton, Margaret. 1998. “Girls’
Educational Access and Attainment.”
Pp. 381-396 in Women in the Third
World: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Issues, edited by Nelly P.
Stromquist. New York: Garland.
Economic Considerations (April 23 & 25) ** First Reflection Paper due
Hadden, Kenneth and Bruce London. 1996. “Educating Girls in the Third World: The Demographic, Basic
Needs, and Economic Benefits.” International Journal of Comparative
Sociology 37, 1-2: 31-46.
Colclough, Christopher, Pauline Rose and Mercy
Tembon. 2000. “Gender Inequalities in Primary
Schooling: The Roles of Poverty
and Adverse Cultural Practice.” International Journal of Educational
Development 20, 1: 5-27.
Ilon, Lynn.
1998. “The Effects of
International Economic Trends on Gender Equity in Schooling.” International Review of Education
44, 4: 335-356.
Recommended readings
Buchman, Claudia. 1996. “The Debt
Crisis, Structural Adjustment and Women’s Education: Implications for Status
and Social Development.” International
Journal of Comparative Sociology 37, 1-2: 5-30.
Higher Education (April 30 & May 2)
Jacobs, Jerry A. 1996. “Gender
Inequality and Higher Education.” Annual Review of Sociology 22: 153-185.
Bradley, Karen. 2000. “The
Incorporation of Women into Higher Education: Paradoxical Outcomes?” Sociology of Education 73, 1:
Jayaweera, Swarna. 1997. “Higher
Education and the Economic and Social Empowerment of Women-The Asian
Experience.” Compare 27, 3:
Kolodny, Annette. 2000. “Women
and Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Some Feminist and Global
Perspectives.” NWSA Journal
12, 2: 130-147.
Recommended readings
Petrides, Lisa. 1998. “Higher
Education and Professional Preparation.”
Pp. 408-417 in Women in the Third
World: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Issues, edited by Nelly P.
Stromquist. New York: Garland.
Groth, Alexander J. and Charles R. Dannehl. 1992. “Women in Higher Education: Economic, Political, and
Cultural Influences.” Women and Politics 12, 1: 53-71.
VI. Science Education (May 7 & 9) **
Second Reflection Paper due 5/9 **
Roger, Angela and Jill Duffield. 2000. “Factors Underlying Persistent Gendered Option Choices in
School Science and Technology in Scotland.” Gender and Education 12, 3: 367-383.
Hanson, Sandra L., Maryelle Schaub and David P.
Baker. 1996. “Gender Stratification in the Science Pipeline:
A Comparative Analysis of Seven Countries.” Gender and Society 10, 3: 271-290.
Wotipka, Christine Min and Francisco O.
Ramirez. “Women in Science: For
Development, For Human Rights, For Themselves.” In Science in the
Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization, edited by Gili
S. Drori, John W. Meyer, Francisco O. Ramirez and Evan Schofer. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press. In press.
Baker, Dale R. 1998. “Equity
Issues in Science Education.” Pp.
869-895 in International Handbook of
Science Education, edited by Barry J. Fraser and Kenneth G. Tobin. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Women’s Studies (May 14 & 16)
Florence Howe. 1991. “Women’s
Studies in the United States: Growth and Institutionalization.” Pp. 103-121 in Women's Studies International: Nairobi and Beyond, edited by Aruna
Rao. New York: Feminist Press at
the City University of New York.
Miriam K. Chamberlain and Florence Howe. 1995. “Women's Studies and Developing Countries: Focus on
Asia.” Pp. 51-75 in The Women and International Development
Annual, Vol. 4. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press.
Gaidzanwa, Rudo B. 1993. “Women’s Studies
in Zimbabwe: Towards the Year 2000.” Australian Feminist Studies 18:
Jackson, Sue. 2000.
“Networking Women: A History of Ideas, Issues and Developments in
Women’s Studies in Britain.” Women’s
Studies International Forum 23, 1: 1-11.
Marilyn Jacoby Boxer. 1998. When Women Ask the Questions: Creating
Women’s Studies in America.
Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bain, Olga and William Cummings. 2000. “Academic Glass Ceiling: Societal,
Professional-Organizational, and Institutional Barriers to the Career
Advancement of Academic Women.” Comparative
Education Review 44, 4: 493-514.
Bell, Sandra and Jane Gordon. 1999. “Scholarship - The New Dimension to Equity Issues for
Academic Women.” Women’s
Studies International Forum 22, 6: 645-658.
Walker, Melanie. 1998. “Academic
Identities: Women on a South African Landscape.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 19, 3:
Educational Policy & Organizations (May 28 & 30)
Third Reflection Paper Due (5/30)**
McNeely, Connie L. 1995.
“Prescribing National Education Policies: The Role of International Organizations.” Comparative
Education Review 39, 4: 483-507.
Schafer, Mark J. 1999.
“International Nongovernmental Organizations and Third World Education
in 1990: A Cross-National Study.” Sociology of Education 72, 2: 69-88.
Stromquist, Nelly P. 1998. “The
Institutionalization of Gender and Its Impact on Educational Policy.” Comparative Education 34, 1:
X. Debriefing and Review (June 4)
Students who are writing research papers in lieu
of taking the final exam will provide brief descriptions of their projects to the
rest of the class. Students will
complete course evaluations. The
final exam questions will be handed out at the end of class.