David Rogosa rag@leland | Office Hours: Thursday 3-4 PM Sequoia Hall, Room 224 |
Alex Harris, Teaching Assistant. alexsox@leland Office Hours: Wednesday 1-3 PM, Cubberley 52 |
060|161|0|01| 03 |3:15 | *S Statistical Analysis in Educational Research | | | | |-5:05 | [Rogosa,D] CERAS130 MWF |
Prerequisites Enrollment in Ed161 requires satisfactory completion of Ed160. Students who wish to enroll in Ed161 who have not taken Ed160 can satisfy the requirement with good performance on an entry exam which will be scheduled for Thursday 1/6/00. Any questions can be raised at the first class meeting 1/5/00. | ||||||||||||||
Main Text Glass, G. V. & Hopkins, K. D. (1996). Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology. Third Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (GH) Auxiliary Text: Minitab Handbook. Ryan, Joiner, & Ryan, 1985. Second Edition. Boston:PWS-Kent Publishing (or recent 3rd Edition). (MT) |
Course Meetings are 3:15-5:00 in C130 according to the following schedule:
2000 Jan Feb Mar M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F M Tu W Th F 2 1 3 5 7 7 9 11 8 [Dead Week] 10 12 14 19 23 24 26 28 28 black=lecture; blue=problem section A fancier Course Calendar is available in pdf format |
Start-up problem. Before the first class a small data analysis exercise will be posted. Some time will be set aside at the end of the 1/7/00 class for discussion. Solution to start-up problem Update 6PM 1/5. By popular demand the HSB data sets are also available via web services. You may load and "save as" or load and cut-and-paste to your desktops by going to http://www.stanford.edu/class/ed161/HSB1.DAT http://www.stanford.edu/class/ed161/HSB2.DAT |
Course Content Course outline will be supplemented with specific readings and materials Course Examples and Files Links in this file take you directly to the specific data or data analysis example used in lecture. |
Assignments HW1 assignment HW1 solution |