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"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." ~ Thomas Jefferson
The importance and implications of the technology adoption life cycle are examined. We also survey the key elements of entrepreneurial marketing including a compelling product/service strategy, a well-crafted positioning and competitive differentiation and a subsequent penetration strategy (including distribution, promotion and pricing). The concept of marketing as a set of relationships (i.e., partnerships and alliances) with customers, technology allies, distribution and promotion partners and even competitors will also be discussed. We also investigate the importance and critical elements of "thinking globally" from a startup's perspective.
Your team will soon submit your positioning statement for your opportunity analysis idea. In this session, we will also learn how to create a positioning statement using Geoff Moore's famous two-sentence positioning template:
Sentence #1
For (target customer)
who (statement of the need or opportunity),
the (product/service name) is a (product/service category)
that (statement of benefit).
Sentence #2Unlike (primary competitive alternative),
our product (statement of primary differentiation).
Recommended Readings (Policy on Recommended Readings. List of readings)