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Session 3: January 14, 2003

Session 3: January 15, 2008

Creativity & Improvisation

Guest Lecturer: Tina Seelig (tseelig@stanford.edu)

Quotes of the Day

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.
--- Victor Kiam

When I was young I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work.
--Bernard Shaw

Creativity requires breaking established patterns in order to look at thinks in a different way.
--Edward de Bono

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
-- Scott Adams


Every entrepreneur faces endless challenges along the way. These problems never have one right answer, and often they have never been solved before. The only way for an entrepreneur to succeed is to view each challenge as a opportunity for a creative solution. The best entrepreneurs seek out challenges. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity!

In this class we will focus on stirring up your creative juices so that you can tackle the challenges ahead. You will be given several interactive projects that have no right answer. You will be encouraged to work creatively with your team, to stretch your imagination, and to take some risks.

Required Readings (Policy on Required Readings.)

Study Questions (Policy on Study Questions.)


Team Online Assignment (Policy on Online Assignments.)

One person from each team should submit via e-mail the team's name, names of the members, chosen color/dress/item, and selected weekly meeting time (all team members should be able to meet at this time every week).


Note: We will take your photo today to put up on our website.


Make sure you email your mentor preferences to Chi-Hua (cchien@kpcb.com)by January 16th at 11:59PM. Priority will be given to those who send in their preferences earlier. See the Mentor section on the Project page for more details. Please send 1 email per team with your team name in the subject.

Recommended Readings
(Policy on Recommended Readings. List of readings)


Last modified Sun Jan 13 13:29:16 2008


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