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Session 2: January 10, 2008
Silicon Valley & Models
Quote of the Day
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." ~ Aristotle
What exactly is high-technology
entrepreneurship? We will examine this process of creating and growing high
potential ventures using several frameworks.
What exactly is Silicon Valley? How has it been created?
What is unique about Silicon Valley, and what could be replicated in other
regions of the world? This session will examine the economic and cultural
underpinnings of the center of technology entrepreneurship.
We will also provide information on the Opportunity Analysis project.
In this session we will be clearing
the admission waitlist (if necessary). Please come to class with partial
teams in mind. Teams should be groups of 5 people each. Keep in
mind, these teams will remain the same for the remainder of the quarter, and
will work very closely while discussing cases and completing the Opportunity
Analysis Project. With that in mind, remember that the "best" teams
(i.e.: the most creative, the most effective, the most fun, etc.) have diverse
members -- different majors, genders, work experiences. Don't just pick your
friends, you will learn more from working with people who aren't exactly like
you and/or who don't agree with everything you say.
We will have time at the end of
class to finish completing your teams. You must be on a team by the end
of the session.
Required Readings (Policy on Required Readings.)
Study Questions (Policy on Study Questions.)
Individual Online Assignment (Policy on Online Assignments.)
Note: Attendance is mandatory in
order to determine who on the waitlist is admitted to the course.
OAP Assignment (Policy on Online Assignments.)
See OAP project page.
Recommended Readings (Policy on Recommended Readings. List of readings)