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Session 5: January 22, 2008

From Idea to Opportunity: Our First Case Study

  Guest: Dana Mead (KPCB)

Quote of the Day

"God is in the details." ~ Mies van der Rohe


This is the first of two sessions where we discuss the differences between an idea and an opportunity. In this session, we look at the particular challenges of new ventures in the life sciences.

Required Readings (Policy on Required Readings.)

Study Questions (Policy on Study Questions.)

Team Case Analysis (Policy on Case Analyses.)

If I were Edwards and McGuire at the end of the case, I [would/would not -- choose one] sell the company to Alkermes. Why?


Cases must be submitted by 9AM on the due date.


Note: This is the first submission for the Tuesday teams which should be sent to the appropriate homework list. If you are a Thursday team, do not submit a case by email. All teams will still be responsible for the material in class.


Submission Format

1.      PUT IN EMAIL HEADER: E145: Case Number, Case Name, Team Name
          i.e. E145: Case 1, AIR, The Randys

          You must submit all cases with this format for the subject line. Your assignment may not be graded if you fail to do so.

2.            PUT IN CASE STUDY:



Last modified Tue Jan 22 11:55:28 2008


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