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Session 7: October 13, 2008
Intellectual Property
Quote of the Day
"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." ~ Anonymous
Intellectual Property is the lynchpin of a technology venture. Whereas old economy businesses built value in the form of factories and equipment, new economy businesses create the lion share of their value in intangibles; patents, copyrights, trade secrets and trademarks. An effective entrepreneur knows how to establish these key assets, and how to use them with investors, partners and competitors. In this case we learn how Jeff Hawkins cleverly developed crucial intellectual property that paved the way for launching his own business, Palm Computing, and revolutionizing the world of hand-held computing.
At the end of this session we will focus your teams on your Opportunity Analysis Project (OAP). You will present a positioning statement for your OAP, using the template from slides 27 and 28 of our last session: Taking your Opportunity to Market.
This will help the rest of the class a chance to understand your project. It will also give your team an opportunity to sharpen your presentation skills under time constraints.
9:00 - 9:30 AM. Steve Blank and Tom Kosnik present slides 31-47 from last session: Taking your Opportunity to Market."
9:30 - 10:25 AM: Palm IP case discussion
10:25 - 10:45 AM: 2 minute OAP Positioning presentations by Monday case teams. The Wednesday case teams do their OAP positioning in session 8.
Required Readings (Policy on Required Readings.)
Study Questions (Policy on Study Questions.)
Team Online Assignment (Policy on Online Assignments.)
Assume Jeff offers Tandy "first access" to the consumer product and a minority stake in Palm in return for the "C language" enhancements, and that Tandy rebuffs him.
OAP Assignment (Policy on Online Assignments.)
Present Your Positioning Statement. See the milestones section of the OAP project page for a full description of the assignment.