Stanford University
Computer Science 444N: Spring 2001
Mobile and Wireless Networks and Applications
| Overview
| Details
| Handouts/Slides
| Syllabus
| Readings
| Projects
Solutions for the final exam have been posted in the handouts section.
This course examines how mobility affects networks, systems and
applications. Mobility of devices and end-users has behavioral implications
at all layers of the Internet protocol stack, from the MAC layer up through
the application layer. Handling mobility efficiently requires more
information sharing between network layers than is typically considered.
We will look at how mobility affects the layers of the protocol stack as
well as how it affects different functional aspects of systems, including
security, privacy, file systems, resource discovery, resource management
(including energy usage), personal on-line identities, and other areas.
We will investigate emerging applications enabled by mobility. The networks
we study will include "traditional" wireless networks, in which
an underlying infrastructure is assumed, as well as ad hoc mobile wireless
networks, in which nodes may come and go and must form their own network
infrastructure on the fly.
In groups, students will design and implement mobile applications and
system features of their choosing using network technologies such as
WaveLAN, Metricom's Ricochet network, the Palm VII and perhaps Bluetooth.
Prof. Armando Fox will also be giving lectures in the course this year.
Prof. Andrea Goldsmith's course EE
392F: Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications covers lower-level (link
and channel access layer) issues in wireless networking.
- Lectures:
- Tuesday and Thursday, 4:15-5:30 PM, Gates B08 (not televised)
- Instructor:
- Prof. Mary
Gates 414
(650) 725-3711
Office hours: Fridays 2-4 PM
- Teaching assistant:
- T.J. Giuli
Gates 508
(650) 725-3545
Office hours: Mondays 2-4 PM, Thursday 2-4 PM
- Prerequisites:
- Satisfactory performance on a short in-class entrance exam that covers
parts of CS 240, CS 244A and CS 244B.
- Course materials:
- Links to most readings and handouts will be provided on this web
- Email list:
- Announcements will be sent to the course email list. To subscribe, send an email
subscribe cs444n-all
in the body to Anyone may send email to this list.
- Questions:
- Please email questions to rather than individually emailing Mary or TJ.
- Audit policy:
- It is unlikely we'll allow many auditors in the class, since the class
is intended to be very small and interactive.
- Grading:
- Class participation (discussions of readings, projects, etc.): 20%
Course project: 50%
Final exam (to be held in class): 30%
- Tuesday 3 April
- Introduction and overview
- Course sign-up
- Entrance exam (30 minutes, no preparation necessary)
- Thursday 5 April
- Distributed data synchronization in a weakly connected environment
- Tuesday 10 April
- Continued: Distributed data synchronization in a weakly connected environment
- Thursday 12 April (Fox)
- Mobile User Interfaces
- Tuesday 17 April
- Project proposals, discussion
- Thursday 19 April
- Project proposal discussion, continued
- Tuesday 24 April
- Mobile routing
- Thursday 26 April
- Mobile routing, continued
- Tuesday 1 May
- Wireless transport protocols
- Thursday 3 May
- Wireless transport protocols, continued
- Tuesday 8 May
- Wireless transport protocols, continued again...
- Taking people into acccount: Mobile People Architecture
- Thursday 10 May
- Mobile Internet (Fox)
- Tuesday 15 May
- Mobile Internet, continued. (Fox)
- Thursday 17 May
- Appliance Computing (Fox)
- Tuesday 22 May
- Thursday 24 May
- The physical and link layers: Guest lecture from Andrea Goldsmith
- Tuesday 29 May
- Wireless network architectures
- Thursday 31 May
- In-class final exam!
- Naming in a mobile world
- Tuesday 5 June
- Project Demo Day!!
Reading materials for upcoming classes are listed in this section.
General related readings
- D. Milojicic, F. Douglis and R. Wheeler, editors,
processes, computers, and agents. Addison Wesley, 1999. This book
covers mobility from three different perspectives, as suggested by the title.
It is a collection of papers with some extra overview material. Many of the
papers are now classics in their areas.
5 April: Synchronization of distributed data
- James J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan,
"Disconnected operation in the coda file system."
Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM symposium on operating systems
principles, October 13-16, 1991, Pacific Grove, California. Pages 213-225.
- L. B. Mummert, M. R. Ebling and M. Satyanarayanan,
"Exploiting weak connectivity for mobile file access."
Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM symposium on operating systems
December 3-6, 1995, Copper Mountain, Colorado. Pages 143-155.
- D. B. Terry, A. J. Demers, K. Petersen, M. J. Spreitzer, M. M. Theimer and B. B.
"Session guarantees for weakly consistent replicated data."
Proceedings of the international conference on parallel and distributed
information systems (PDIS), September 1994, Austin, Texas. Pages 140-149.
- Karin Petersen, Mike J. Spreitzer, Douglas B. Terry, Marvin M. Theimer and
Alan J. Demers,
"Flexible update propagation for weakly consistent replication."
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM symposium on operating systems
October 5-8, 1997, Saint-Malo, France. Pages 288-301.
- Possible standard: SyncML
Related readings
- M. Weiser,
"Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing."
Communications of the ACM, July 1993. Pages 75-84.
- A. Birrell, R. Levin, R. Needham and M. Schroeder,
"Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing." Communications of
the ACM, April 1982. Pages 260-274.
- M. Schroeder, A. Birrell and R. Needham, "Experience with Grapevine: the
growth of a distributed system."
ACM transactions on computer systems, February 1984. Pages
- B. Walker, G. Popek, R. English, C. Kline and G. Thiel,
"The LOCUS distributed operating system." Proceedings
of the ninth ACM symposium on operating systems principles, October
10-13, 1983, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Pages 49-70.
- L. Huston and P. Honeyman,
"Disconnected operation for AFS."
Proceedings of the USENIX mobile and location-independent computing
symposium, August 2-3, 1993, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pages 1-10.
- P. Reiher, J. Heidemann, D. Ratner, G. Skinner and G. Popek,
"Resolving file conflicts in the Ficus file system."
Proceedings of the summer 1994 USENIX conference,
June 6-10, 1994. Pages 183-195.
- B. Schmidt, M. Lam and J. Northcutt,
"The interactive performance of SLIM: a stateless, thin-client architecture."
Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM symposium on operating systems
principles, December 12-15, 1999, Kiawah Island Resort,
South Carolina. Pages 32-47.
- M. Baker, J. Hartman, M. Kupfer, K. Shirriff, and J. Ousterhout,
"Measurements of a distributed file system."
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on operating systems
principles, October 13-16, 1991, Pacific Grove, California.
Pages 198-212.
- D. Terry, M. Theimer, K. Petersen, A. Demers, M. Spreitzer, and C. Hauser,
"Managing update conflicts in a weakly connected replicated storage system"
Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM symposium on operating systems
principles, December 3-6, 1995, Copper Mountain Resort, Colorado.
Pages 172-183.
12 April: Mobile User Interfaces
- C. Lewis and J. Rieman,
Task-Centered User Interface Design, published as shareware.
(Just read Chapters 1 and 2)
- A. Huang, B. Ling, J. Barton, and A. Fox,
Data Services: Towards an Appliance Computing World, CHI 2001 Workshop,
Seattle, WA, April 2001.
24 and 26 April: The network layer: packet routing for mobile hosts (Mobile IP,
DHCP/Dynamic DNS, TRIAD, etc.)
- C. Perkins,
"Mobile networking through Mobile IP."
IEEE internet computing, January 1998. Pages 58-69.
- S. Cheshire and M. Baker,
"Internet mobility 4x4."
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM '96 conference,
Stanford University, August 1996.
- X. Zhao, C. Castelluccia and M. Baker,
"Flexible network support for mobile hosts."
To appear in MONET special issue on management of mobility
in distributed systems, January 2001.
- D. Cheriton and M. Gritter,
"TRIAD: a scalable deployable NAT-based internet architecture."
Submitted for publication.
- A. Snoeren and H. Balakrishnan, "An End-to-End Approach to Host Mobility." Proceedings of MobiCom 2000, August 2000.
- G. Appenzeller, M. Roussopoulos and M. Baker,
"User-friendly access control for public network ports."
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '99, March 1999.
Related readings
- A. Miu and P. Bahl, "Dynamic Host Configuration for
Managing Mobility between Public and Private
Networks", 3rd Usenix Internet Technical
Symposium, San Francisco, March 2001.
- J. Ioannidis and G. Maguire, Jr.,
"The design and implementation of a mobile interetworking architecture."
Proceedings of the USENIX winter 1993 technical conference,
January 1993. Pages 491-502.
- F. Teraoka, K. Uehara, H. Sunahara and J. Murai,
"VIP: a protocol providing host mobility.
Communications of the ACM, August 1994.
- C. Perkins, editor.
"RFC 2002: IP mobility support."
Internet Engineering Task Force, Network Working Group, October 1996.
- C. Perkins, editor,
"IP mobility support for IPv4, revised."
Internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, January 27, 2000.
- D. Johnson and C. Perkins, editors,
"Mobility support in IPv6."
Internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mobile IP Working Group,
March 10, 2000.
- E. Poger and M. Baker,
"Secure public internet access handler (SPINACH)."
Proceedings of the USENIX symposium on internet technologies
and systems, December 1997.
1 and 3 May: TCP for wireless networks
Related readings
- K. Fall and S. Floyd,
"Simulation-based comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK TCP."
Computer communications review, July 1996.
- K. Lai, M. Roussopoulos, D. Tang, X. Zhao, and M. Baker,
"Experiences with a mobile testbed."
Proceedings of the second international conference on worldwide
computing and its applications (WWCA'98), March 1998.
- Tons of other TCP papers.
8 May: Mobility at the Person Level
10 May: Mobile Internet
15 May: Mobile Internet
17 May: Appliance Computing
24 May: Physical and Link Layers
- A. Goldsmith, "Wireless networks." Chapter 7 of J. Walrand and P. Varaiya,
High-performance communication networks, Second edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2000. Pages 305-361. (Available outside my office - 414 Gates.)
29 May: Wireless/mobile network environments
- M. Weiser,
"The computer for the twenty-first century."
Scientific American, September 1991. Pages 66-.
- B. R. Badrinath, J. Borras, and R. Yates,
"The Infostations challenge: balancing cost and ubiquity in delivering
wireless data."
Submitted for publication, August 1999.
- J. Broch, D. Maltz, D. Johnson, Y.-C. Hu, and J. Jetcheva,
"A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing
protocols." In Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM/IEEE
international conference on mobile computing and networking,
October 1998, Dallas, Texas.
Related readings
- S. Marti, T. Giuli, K. Lai and M. Baker,
"Mitigating routing misbehavior in mobile ad hoc networks." Proceedings of the sixth annual international conference on mobile
computing and networking, August 2000, Boston, Massachusetts.
- M. Satyanarayanan,
"Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges."
To appear in IEEE Personal Communications, 2001. [Note, this is a
draft and the final copy may change. The likely publication date is
August, 2001.]
Rest to be announced.
Here is this quarter's project page (so far).
Also see the projects from last year for some ideas.
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