Functional Components:
Actor Critic Learning (basal ganglia and reinforcement learning) — April 14, Tuesday
Speaker: Randy O'Reilly
Affiliation: University of California Davis
Readings: O'Reilly et al [27] Chapter 7 Motor Control and Reinforcement Learning
Date: April 12, 2018
Venue: Stanford, Invited Class Discussion in CS379C Computational Models of the Neocortex
Title: "Programming in the Brain" [Discussion on Reinforcement Learning]
Speaker: Matt Botvinick
Affiliation: Deepmind & University College London
Readings: Wang et al [37]
Date: April 26, 2018
Venue: Stanford, Invited Class Discussion in CS379C Computational Models of the Neocortex
Title: "Prefrontal cortex as a meta-reinforcement learning system"
Episodic Memory (hippocampus and differentiable neural computers) — April 16, Thursday
Speaker: Randy O'Reilly
Affiliation: University of California Davis
Readings: O'Reilly et al [27] Chapter 8 Learning and Memory
Date: April 12, 2018
Venue: Stanford, Invited Class Discussion in CS379C Computational Models of the Neocortex
Title: "Programming in the Brain" [Discussion on Hippocampal Formation]
Speaker: Alex Graves
Affiliation: Google Deepmind
Readings: Graves et al [18, 17], Weston et al [35, 38]
Date: March 22, 2017
Venue: NIPS 2016 Symposium on Recurrent Neural Networks
Title: "Differentiable Neural Computers" (VIDEO)
Speaker: Sam Gershman
Affiliation: Harvard University
Readings: Gershman et al [16, 34]
Date: April 22, 2019
Venue: Harvard Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Title: "The Hippocampus As a Predictive Map" (VIDEO)
Related Topics:
Hippocampal Formation [32, 24, 25]
Action Selection (frontal cortex, striatum, thalamus and working memory) — April 21, Tuesday
Speaker: Randy O'Reilly
Affiliation: University of California Davis
Readings: O'Reilly et al [27] Chapter 10 Executive Function
Date: February 22, 2020
Venue: Stanford, Strong AI Group Discussion in Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Title: "Prefrontal Cortex Basal Ganglia Working Memory"
Speaker: Matt Botvinick
Affiliation: Deepmind & University College London
Readings: Botvinick et al [6], Santoro et al [31]
Date: December 16, 2018
Venue: Stanford University, Natural / Artificial Intelligence Symposium
Title: "Reinforcement learning: Fast and Slow" (VIDEO)
Related Topics:
Complementary Learning Systems [22, 26, 20]
Executive Control (prefrontal cortex, planning complex cognitive behavior) — April 23, Thursday
Author: Joaquín M. Fuster
Affiliation: University of California Los Angeles
Readings: Fuster [13], Merel et al [23], Botvinick et al [7, 8], Frank and Badre [3]
Title: "Hierarchical Structure in the Prefrontal Cortex" (PDF)
Speaker: Yoshua Bengio3
Affiliation: University of Montreal
Readings: Bengio et al [30, 5]
Date: February 4, 2010
Venue: Samsung AI Forum
Title: "Towards Compositional Understanding of the World by Deep Learning" - VIDEO
Speaker: Chelsea Finn
Affiliation: Stanford University
Readings: Finn et al [11, 33]
Date: August 5, 1019
Venue: Simons Institute - Emerging Challenges in Deep Learning
Title: "Flexible Neural Networks and the Frontiers of Meta-Learning" (VIDEO)
Speaker: Sergey Levine
Affiliation: University of California Berkley
Readings: Levine et al [36, 10, 2]
Date: November 8, 2019
Venue: Institute for Advanced Study - Workshop on New Directions in Reinforcement Learning and Control
Title: "Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Real World" (VIDEO)
Related Topics:
Deep Learning Framework for Neuroscience [29]
Prediction Action Cycle (reciprocally connected motor and sensory systems) — April 28, Tuesday
Speaker: David Cox
Affiliation: Harvard University, IBM
Readings: Lotter, Kreiman and Cox [21], Alexander and Brown [1], van den Oord et al [39]
Date: Apr 16, 2018
Venue: Simons Institute - Computational Theories of the Brain
Title: "Predictive Coding Models of Perception" (VIDEO)
Speaker: Karl Friston
Affiliation: University College London
Readings: Friston [12], Rao and Ballard [28]
Date: September 2, 2016
Venue: Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop: Predictive Coding
Title: "Predictive Coding, Active Inference and Belief Propagation" (VIDEO)
Speaker: Sam Gershman
Affiliation: Harvard University
Readings: Gershman [15]
Date: February 19, 2019
Venue: Brain Inspired - A podcast on the convergence of neuroscience and artificial intelligence
Title: "Free Energy Principle & Human Machines" (AUDIO)
Speaker: Jun-Yan Zhu
Affiliation: University of California Berkley
Readings: Zhu et al [40, 14]
Date: November 24, 2017
Venue: International Conference on Computer Vision
Title: "Tutorial on Generative Adversarial Networks - CycleGAN" (VIDEO)
Related Topics:
Helmholtz Machines [Tutorial] — Kirby [19]
Variational Autoencoders [Tutorial] — Doersch [9]
Basic Representations:
Relational Learning (recognizing, learning and using relational models) — April 30, Thursday
Graph Networks (learning, reasoning about connections between entities) — May 5, Tuesday
Interaction Networks (learning and reasoning about dynamical systems) — May 7, Thursday
Analogical Reasoning (combining existing models to create new models) — May 12, Tuesday
Perception As Memory (attention, affordances, anticipatory behaviors) — May 14, Thursday
Fundamental Problems:
Algorithmic Abstraction (when we generalize skills creating hierarchies) — May 19, Tuesday
Catastrophic Forgetting (when we forget old skills in learning new ones) — May 21, Thursday
Partial Observability (when the system is a higher-order Markov process) — May 26, Tuesday:
1 I've selected short descriptions of some of the core concepts that we will be talking about in class. They are not nearly as detailed as those provided in the recommended text by O'Reilly [27], which is not as comprehensive as an introductory neuroscience such as Bear, Connors and Paradiso [4]. That said, this class is not about teaching you basic neuroscience, but rather about teaching you how to work with and learn from neuroscientists in collaborative, multi-disciplinary science and engineering teams of the sort that you will encounter at Deepmind and Google Brain as well as a growing number of academic institutions. Think of these short videos as a means of bootstrapping or refreshing your knowledge of neuroscience to prepare for working in such teams. There are similar resources on the Khan Academy web site offering a wide range of courses covering introductory to advanced topics.
2 The video is largely guided by Donald Hebb's "The Organization of Behaviour" (1949), which has served as the foundation for our current understanding of brain-behavior relationships and synaptic plasticity. It outlines Hebb's three postulates to guide a multi-level understanding of the mechanisms by which the nervous system stores and interacts with information. Hebb’s three postulates, with particular attention to the third postulate – "the phase sequence" and "stream of consciousness," are explored as events occurring within the human brain in response to external stimuli. The Hebbian synapse and the cell assembly are explained in light of the long term potentiation (LTP) work done by Tim Bliss and Terje Lomo (1973), and Bruce McNaughton (1978). SOURCE: Updated final version of "Hebb's Three Postulates: from Brain to Soma": Barsen, S. (Director, Designer, Animator), Barnes, S. J. (Producer), Ritland, L. (Editor). (2015, Oct 18). Animating Hebb’s Three Postulates: from Brain to Soma [].
3 Humans are much better than current AI systems at generalizing out-of-distribution. What ingredients can bring us closer to that level of competence? We propose four ingredients combined: (a) meta-learning (to learn end-to-end to generalize to modified distributions, sampled from a distribution over distributions), (b) designing modular architectures with the property that modules are fairly independent of each other and interacting sparsely while made to be composed in new ways easily, (c) capturing causal structure decomposed into independent mechanisms so as to correctly infer the effect of interventions by agents which modify the data distribution, and (d) building better and more stable models of the invariant properties of possibly changing environments by taking advantage of the interactions between the learner and its environment to learn semantic high-level variables and their interactions, i.e., adopting an agent perspective on learning to benefit deep learning of abstract representations. The last ingredient implies that learning purely from text is not sufficient and we need to strive for learning agents which build a model of the world, to which linguistic labels can be associated, i.e., performing grounded language learning. Whereas this agent perspective is reminiscent of deep reinforcement learning, the focus is not on how deep learning can help reinforcement learning (as a function approximation black box) but rather how the agent perspective common in reinforcement learning can help deep learning discover better representations of knowledge.