[1] |
Ivo Danihelka, Greg Wayne, Benigno Uria, Nal Kalchbrenner, and Alex Graves.
Associative long short-term memory.
CoRR, arXiv:1602.03032, 2016.
[2] |
Mevlana Gemici, Chia-Chun Hung, Adam Santoro, Greg Wayne, Shakir Mohamed,
Danilo Jimenez Rezende, David Amos, and Timothy P. Lillicrap.
Generative temporal models with memory.
CoRR, arXiv:1702.04649, 2017.
[3] |
Alex Graves, Greg Wayne, Malcolm Reynolds, Tim Harley, Ivo Danihelka, Agnieszka
Grabska-Barwińska, Sergio Gómez Colmenarejo, Edward Grefenstette,
Tiago Ramalho, John Agapiou, Adrià Puigdoménech Badia, Karl Moritz
Hermann, Yori Zwols, Georg Ostrovski, Adam Cain, Helen King, Christopher
Summerfield, Phil Blunsom, Koray Kavukcuoglu, and Demis Hassabis.
Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory.
Nature, 538:471--476, 2016.
[4] |
Adam H. Marblestone, Greg Wayne, and Konrad P. Kording.
Towards an integration of deep learning and neuroscience.
CoRR, arXiv:1606.03813, 2016.
[5] |
Adam H. Marblestone, Greg Wayne, Konrad P. Kording, and Kenneth J Hayworth.
Do brain areas optimize diverse cost functions using specialized
CoRR, 2016.
[6] |
Greg Wayne, Chia-Chun Hung, David Amos, Mehdi Mirza, Arun Ahuja, Agnieszka
Grabska-Barwinska, Jack Rae, Piotr Mirowski, Joel Z. Leibo, Adam Santoro,
Mevlana Gemici, Malcolm Reynolds, Tim Harley, Josh Abramson, Shakir Mohamed,
Danilo Rezende, David Saxton, Adam Cain, Chloe Hillier, David Silver, Koray
Kavukcuoglu, Matt Botvinick, Demis Hassabis, and Timothy Lillicrap.
Unsupervised predictive memory in a goal-directed agent.
CoRR, arXiv:1803.10760, 2018.