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[1]   Adam H. Marblestone, Greg Wayne, and Konrad P. Kording. Towards an integration of deep learning and neuroscience. CoRR, arXiv:1606.03813, 2016.

[2]   Adam H. Marblestone, Bradley M. Zamft, Yael G. Maguire, Mikhail G. Shapiro, Thaddeus R. Cybulski, Joshua I. Glaser, Ben Stranges, Reza Kalhor, David A. Dalrymple, Dongjin Seo, Elad Alon, Michel M. Maharbiz, Jose Carmena, Jan Rabaey, Edward S. Boyden, George M. Church, and Konrad P. Kording. Physical principles for scalable neural recording. CoRR, arXiv:1306.5709, 2013.

[3]   Gary Marcus, Adam Marblestone, and Thomas Dean. The atoms of neural computation. Science, 346:551--552, 2014.